Questioning Higher Education Literacy Regarding Ferienjob Cases In Germany
Illustrations - Trafficking in Persons (TPPO) can be done in various ways, one of which is by interning in Germany or ferryjob. (Special)

JAKARTA The internship program for Indonesian students in Germany, known as the centerpiece, has become a concern lately. The program is actually a legal program in its home country, then why are many universities in Indonesia even trapped in this case?

The case of alleged criminal acts of trafficking in persons (TPPO) under the guise of an internship in Germany through a fetienjob program was recently revealed by the National Police Headquarters. The Directorate of General Crimes at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police Headquarters Brigadier General Djuhandhani Rahardjo Puro said that this case was revealed after four students who were participating in theferient job program visited the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) Germany.

No less than 1,047 students are suspected of being victims of TTPO under the guise of this internship. Djuhandhani said that this program was actually run by 33 universities in Indonesia from October to December 2023.

The fraud mode with the alleged exploitation involves two companies, namely PT CVGEN and PT SHB. Both handle a number of campuses so that students take part in internship programs in Germany.

In the midst of the emergence of this case, the term "ferientjob" is famous. The public is wondering, actually what is aferienjob and why are many campuses deceived by this program?

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) issued an official statement regarding the fetienjob which is currently in the spotlight in the country. In his statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that theferienjob is an official program that already exists in Germany.

Ferienjob bahkan diatur dalam Pasal 14 ayat (2) Ordonansi Ketenagakerjaan Jerman (Besch kaftigungsverordnung/BeschV) yang menyatakan bahwaferienjob dilakukan hanya pada saat official semester break atau libur semester yang resmi. Programferienjob juga hanya berdurasi 90 hari dalam jangka 12 bulan selama libur semester resmi di negara asal dan tidak dapat terpanjang.

However, in the same statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also emphasized that theferienjob was not carried out in the framework of bilateral cooperation between governments. Feerienjob is also not related to academic and/or student academic competencies.

"The types of work done are generally the type of work that relies on physical labor, for example lifting logistics boxes, packing goods to ship, washing dishes at restaurants, or handling suitcases at airports (porters)," wrote the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' official statement.

Seeing this explanation, it is clear that internships with inferior jobs are not connected to educational programs in Indonesia, such as the implementation time and the type of work carried out by students.

In fact, this program was previously mentioned as related to the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program. The promise that the internship program in question can be converted equivalent to 20 sks is also not true.

Djuhandhani also emphasized about the jobferient, which is an official program in Germany. This program was indeed made for students to earn additional money during the official campus holiday.

"This program (ferientjob) is actually an official program in Germany, where every October to December it is a program to recruit students to work to find additional pocket money and so on. This is an official program in Germany," said Djuhandhani at the National Police Headquarters, disistat Antara.

So far, it has not been mentioned that 33 universities are running similar programs. However, only Atma Jaya University (UAJ) and Jambi University (Unja) have opened their voices regarding theferienjob. The UAJ said that as many as 27 students who took part in the internship to Germany or theferienjob had returned to Indonesia.

Programferienjob dari keampus ini dimulai sejak 2023 dan mengirim 27 mahasiswa dari berbagai kelaku. Mereka mulai berangkat menjalankan program sejak 1 Oktober hingga 31 Desember 2023. UAJ langsung melakukan evaluasi pada Januari 2024 dan hasilnya langsung melakukan pemberhentikan program.

On the other hand, the Unja problem in this case is quite more complicated. A professor, known as Prof. Sihol Situngkir, is reportedly involved in this alleged TIP case. A total of 83 Unja students became victims.

However, the Chancellor of Unja Prof. Helmy emphasized that the professor was not active in carrying out the process of moving to another university. In this case, the professor did not even initiate Unja, but as a representative of PT SHB.

Criminal Law Professor Hibnu Nugroho regretted dozens of universities, both public and private, who just believed in companies that offered internships in Germany. From this case, he questioned the extent of literacy, understanding, and the prudence of the sender college related to the concept of internships, especially abroad.

According to Hibnu's experience, who is also the former Vice Chancellor General Sudirman (Undoed) Purwekerto, internships abroad are difficult for universities in Indonesia if according to procedures.

"It's difficult to send lecturers abroad, especially students. It's not easy because there are many SOPs that have to be done. Unsoed, only those who have sent Real Work Lectures (KKN) abroad are very strict, especially since this is an internship," said Hibnu.

"Seharusnya, tiap perguruan tinggi itu punya unit kerja sama dengan berbagai pihak apabila ada mahasiswa atau pengajaran yang akan melakukan perjalanan ke luar negeri. Misalnya, di Unsoed itu ada International Relation Office (IRO)," jelasnya.

Hibnu added that later this cooperation unit will check whether there is an offer of cooperation abroad to enter related universities. In the process, this cooperation unit will check several agencies such as the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu), to internships abroad, to Embassys in related countries.

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