JAKARTA The film Dirty Vote is claimed to have the potential to help prospective voters make choices. On the other hand, political observers hope that the documentary can target all elements of society so that the goal of educating can be achieved.

Dirty Vote, film Garapan Dandhy Dwi Laksono, suddenly went viral after being released via the YouTube channel on Sunday (11/2/2024) or right on the first day of peace before voting for the 2024 General Election on February 14.

This 1 hour 57 minute film features three constitutional law experts as the main characters, namely Bivitri Susanti, Feri Amsari, and Zainal Arifin Mochtar. According to Political Observer from Al Azhar Indonesia University Andriadi Achmad, through the three legal experts, this film opens and explains clearly how the practice of non-neutralism and fraud scenarios that have been designed in a structured, systematic and massive manner in the 2024 presidential election to win the government-backed presidential candidate.

Meanwhile, Karyono Wibowo's opinion, another political analyst, said that Dirty Vote could be one of the considerations for people who are still confused to finally determine who to choose from.

The day after the broadcast, Dirty Vote managed to make an uproar and it was proven by having been watched 4.9 million times on the YouTube channel until Monday (12/2/2024). Various comments colored the appearance of this film. Karyono Wibowo, an observer and Executive Director of the Indonesia Public Institute, praised Dirty Vote.

According to him, the film is good to see as a form of education to the public. Karyono even thinks that this film can fill or replace the role of political parties that have not educated the public.

Karyono's opinion was shared by many viewers of Dirty Vote on YouTube, as written by the @ifalatika_ account.

This film really educates the Indonesian people. About how the legal system is damaged, the constitution in our democratic country. This is very important, analyzing with facts. This film invites us to think critically and intelligently as citizens. Because cheating is clearly not allowed, silence and neutral is not always good. Thank you for making a documentary as good as this. INDONESIAN CITIZENS MUST WATCH, SALAM DAMAIII," wrote @ifalatifa_.

The presence of Dirty Vote in the middle of calm is indeed quite surprising for many parties, and of course the pros and cons of the film are unavoidable.

The candidate pair camp number two Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka who was the loudest to criticize the film. Dirty Vote is considered a slander against the candidate pair.

Riots also occurred at the lower level or the public as voters. According to the Kompas Research and Development survey in December 2023, 28.7 percent of respondents still have not made a choice or kept their choices a secret.

This figure is much higher than the electability of Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar and Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD, which each got 16.7 percent and 15.3 percent. Meanwhile, the Prabowo-Gibran pair is still at the top, with an electability of 39.3 percent.

In the midst of the confusion of some voters, the film Dirty Vote said it could be one of their answers to finally make a choice on voting day.

"This film can also have an impact or influence on the electoral sector, especially those who still haven't decided, who are still hesitant, who can still change until the D day," Karyono told VOI.

"With this film spread, the message can be understood by the public, especially the unfair voters and gamang voters can be one of the considerations for making decisions, making choices," he added.

Dilanjutkan Karyono, banyak hal sebenarnya yang menjadi pertimbangan masyarakat untuk akhirnya membuat pilihan. Ia juga tidak menampik praktikmoney politic, di antaranya bansos dan serangan wajar bisa menjadi salah satu faktor yang meyakinkan elektoral dalam membuat pilihan.

Contacted separately, Andriadi Achmad agreed that the documentary was an event to provide messages and education to the public that the scenario of cheating in the election was a crime and betrayal of the nation and state.

However, he emphasized that all Indonesian people have a responsibility to maintain and guard the 2024 presidential election in order to bring down the success of evil scenarios and fraud.

For this reason, Andriadi hopes that Dirty Vote will not only go viral on social media, but also need all elements of society to voice that the public is aware of the potential for fraud in the 2024 presidential election.

Even though the documentary Dirty Vote is very viral on social media, it needs to be noted that the documentary Dirty Vote is not watched by some people in Indonesia who do not access social media, Andriadi emphasized.

"Therefore, it takes the strength of elements of society who care, especially activists, academics, students and other elements to voice that the public is vigilant and oversees the process of voting for the presidential election and the February 14, 2024 elections which are already in sight," he added.

According to Andriadi, the failure of the scenario of parties who want to do dirty votes or fraud in the presidential election and the 2024 election is the victory of the Indonesian people.

Democracy, which has been built post-reforming in Indonesia, needs to be maintained and cared for from the elements that want to destroy the democratic framework. The democratic transition to consolidation is a necessity," he said.

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