JAKARTA The issue of photocopying ID cards is no longer valid starting next year has become a conversation lately. According to the news circulating, photocopies of ID cards will later be replaced by Digital Population Identity (IKD).

Rumors about photocopies of ID cards that are no longer valid starting January 1, 2024, were spread by a number of Instagram social media accounts, one of which was @undercover.id on December 19, 2023.

"The photocopy of ID cards is no longer valid as a prerequisite for taking care of population data starting January 1, 2024. This is in line with the government's new policy of introducing a Digital Population Identity (IKD)...," wrote the upload.

IKD has become a hot topic of conversation in recent weeks. The explanation of the IKD is contained in the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 72 of 2022 Article 13 paragraph 2.

The regulation states that IKD is electronic information used to represent Population Documents and return data in digital applications through a device that displays Personal Data as the identity concerned.

Based on this understanding, it can be concluded that the public will not have to bother bringing their ID cards because there is already a population identity on their respective cellphones.

However, this was denied by the Director General (Dirjen) of the Dukcapil of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Teguh Setyabudi. Teguh emphasized the news that the IKD would replace the e-KTP function in managing state files is not true.

"There is no term changing the e-KTP (to become an IKD). There is an activation of the IKD. Both of them complement each other and remain valid," Teguh said, as quoted by Kompas.

According to Teguh, currently his party is still "picking up the ball" so that all people in Indonesia can activate the IKD. Teguh also added that the implementation of the IKD did not necessarily make the e-KTP invalid.

He put forward several reasons, such as not all residents who have smartphones, not all residents are also used to using smartphones or uneven internet network conditions throughout Indonesia.

Contrasts regarding the use of IKD were also commented on by public policy observers from Trisakti University, Trubus Rahadiansyah only caused confusion in the community. He asked the government to be firm regarding the application of IKD or electronic ID cards which until now have confused the public.

"The use of IKD as single data must be encouraged, if it is still used simultaneously, it is not effective, this IKD should replace everything, including e-KTP. If there is an IKD, it is better if the e-KTP is stopped," Trubus said when contacted by VOI.

"If later it is still used simultaneously, the public will be confused. The government should be firm in this matter, for example, they are required to use only IKD," he added.

By using only one identity, namely IKD, according to Trubus, it can prevent corrupt practices in government agencies. In other words, Trubus also encourages agencies to no longer impose e-KTP photocopies as one of the complete requirements for administering administration.

The direction is to form transparency. IKD can minimize corrupt behavior, because as long as it is still using e-KTP, it is not uncommon for people to be asked to pay their ID card photocopy money, for example, Trubus explained.

"The government should be firm, photocopies should no longer apply. So people are confused, overlapping, confused by the public. Usually this photocopy money becomes corruption land," he said again.

Regarding the photocopy of the KTP which is reportedly no longer valid next year, Teguh emphasized that the population data user agency should have used a card reader or card reader since 2021 so that people do not need to attach a photocopy of their ID card.

Meanwhile, regarding the discourse on implementing IKD which will replace e-KTP starting October 2024, Teguh said that further preparation is needed, including adequate infrastructure, network, capacity, security, and regulatory aspects.

"We will conduct further discussions with the relevant ministries. As long as the regulations already exist, there is no problem. We are ready to support it," Teguh continued.

IKD registration can be done by all people who already have e-KTP through applications in the Playstore and iOS. However, in one of the steps to make IKD online, the public must verify by scanning the QR Code which can only be done by the Population and Civil Registration Office Officers in their respective cities.

This means that the process of making this IKD takes a lot of time, because people have to go to the local Dukcapil to activate the IKD. According to Trubus, this could actually be one of the obstacles for the community to activate IKD.

"There shouldn't be a need for a QR scan into the Dukcapil. It's enough to install the IKD application and enter the existing NIK number, and a barcode appears automatically," Trubus said.

"If you have to go to Dukcapil too, you will end up asking for more money in the end. Because the practice of corrupt behavior in Dukcapil is still high," Trubus said.

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