Watching movies in theaters is often a means of family recreation. That's why we often see children watching movies in theaters. But there's one thing to be careful about is when parents bring their children to watch movies that don't match their age.

Even though watching films that are not in accordance with the age category can have a psychological impact on children. One of them is films that contain violence.

Carloline Fitzpatrick, who is a child and adolescent development researcher from Corcordia University Montreal, Canada, says films containing violent scenes can affect how children grow and develop.

Marvel's film, a company from the United States engaged in comic production and other media, is among the most watched by children. In fact, almost all Marvel films have 13+ age labels and some even have 17+ labels such as Deadpool films. This means that these films are not suitable for children under the age of 13.

In Indonesia itself, film classification based on age must be included, and this is regulated in Article 7 of Law Number 33 of 2009 concerning Film. The sound of the article The film, which is the main element of film activities and film businesses, is accompanied by the inclusion of film audience age classification which includes films: (a) for viewers of all ages; (b) for viewers aged 13 (twelve) years or over; (c) for viewers aged 17 (seventeen) years or over; and (d) for viewers aged 21 (twenty one) years or over.

The grouping of ages in films is carried out by the Film Censorship Institute (LSF) solely to protect the audience. Moreover, children have behavior that tends to be immitative, so they are feared to imitate content that is not age-appropriate.

This was conveyed by Naswardi, Chairman of Commission III of the LSF in charge of socialization, partnerships, research and assessments.

"The age classification is important because we want to protect the audience, especially the vulnerable age group of children," Naswardi said at a press conference on the 2021 LSF performance report in Jakarta, on March 22, 2022.

If there is no censorship of films, it will have a negative impact on children's growth and development. For example, pornographic content can be damaging. Because their basic nature is immitative," he said.

Clinical and forensic psychologist Kasandra Putranto said children will learn by observing role models'' and imitating them. When children see scenes of violence, deviant behavior or hearing harsh words as featured in films with older age categories, they have a high probability of emulating. Before their brain development develops well, they have not been able to distinguish what is good and bad, what can be imitated and not.

Studies from the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism found that children exposed to adult films from an early age tended to try things like alcohol, smoking and free sex.

"Research proves that the choice of violent games played by children can erode someone's empathy and conscience," Kasandra said when contacted by VOI.

But the reality on the ground is not as beautiful as theory. Seeing children watching films in the 13+ category seems normal. Since October last year, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), through the LSF, has continued to be committed to increasing public awareness of conducting Independent Censorship Culture.

The LSF continues to socialize Independent Censorship Culture with various stakeholders, including cinema employees.

Chairman of the LSF Rommy Fibri Hardiyanto, his party has appealed to cinema managers to take close care so that no children under the age of watching films that are not in the age category.

Appeals related to Independent Censorship Culture are also carried out starting from the installation of advertisements on television, on cinema screens before the film is screened, to discussions in public spaces. In reality, this appeal is still difficult to realize.

"This mistake is not in the cinema, but the knowledge of parents to carry out independent censorship has not been implemented. Even though the cinema has included age classification and screening for the audience," Rommy said at the Independent Sensor Culture Socialization event for Cinema Employees in Jakarta, quoted from the Ministry of Education and Culture.

In addition, Rommy said online ticket purchases were also one of the obstacles to implementing Independent Sensor Culture.

"What needs to be anticipated is that when purchasing online tickets, it can be impossible, like it or not, this independent censorship culture must be understood by the community," Rommy told VOI.

Meanwhile, Kasandra appealed to parents to understand that it is parents' education that plays a more role in shaping the child's growth and development process. Parents play a major role in teaching concepts that are believed to be good and bad for children and protecting children from the influence of the environment that is not good.

"If parents feel that the activities carried out by their children are not in accordance with the applicable values in the family, then parents must be more active in limiting things that may interfere with the child's growth and development process," he concluded.

It's a shame when the Mandiri Censorship Culture appeal seems ignored by the public. In fact, it can be said that the independent censorship culture is the last filter so that there are no mistakes when underage viewers watch films that are not classification of their age.

As previously stated, Independent Censorship Culture is also carried out to protect children, who are the next generation of the nation, from the disgraceful behavior watched from films that do not match their age category.

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