The air pollution in DKI Jakarta has again become the focus of many circles. Starting from ordinary people to Indonesian celebrities do not want to be left behind in responding to this issue. The air in the capital city is claimed to be toxic so it can threaten health if inhaled by humans. Since last June, Jakarta has been ranked first as the city with the worst air pollution in the world based on IQAir data.

According to data from the IQAir website on Saturday (12/98/2023) atLAW WIB, Jakarta was ranked third in Indonesia with the worst air quality. Air quality in Jakarta reached 181 AQI (Air Quality Index). This figure is up compared to the day before, 158 AQI. At that figure, the air quality in Jakarta is said to be unhealthy. Air quality is categorized well and does not pose a health risk of being at AQI 0 to AQI 50.

Jakarta's pollution, which has had an average AQI for over 170 years and has a 'dangerous' status but still no one has discussed it/moved it. In some countries, the AQI 150 achievement has become the headline for news by warning, don't leave the house, close the window, wear a mask, install a purifier (air cleaner)," said SchefRenata Moeloek on the X account, a platform previously called Twitter.

What Renata Moeloek complained about represents the feelings of all residents, especially those living in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi. Director General of Environmental Pollution and Damage Control (PPKL) Sigit Reliantoro said that the air pollution that occurred in DKI Jakarta and surrounding areas was caused by several factors, one of which was dry air. isfeksi

"From the cycle, June, July, August, there is always an increase in pollution in Jakarta because it is influenced by dry air from the east," Sigit said at a press conference.

Based on IQAir data at the same time, Jakarta ranks second in the city with the worst pollution in the world. The capital city has only lost to Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, which is at the top. Things that cause air pollution in Jakarta and the surrounding area to go crazy are actually known to the general public. This issue of air pollution has been a discussion for years, but it seems that answers related to pollution control, intentionally or not, are ignored by us, from ordinary people to the top level, namely the government.

According to Dita Farida, Climate Impact Associate from Yayasan Indonesia Cerah menduga kawasan industri yang berada di daerah-region sekitar ibu kota turut berkontribusi terhadap peluhan udara. Pollusi udara yang timbul dari PLTU yang terletak di daerah seperti Jawa Barat dan Banten terbawa dan melintas perbatasan daerah atau dikenal dengan term transboundary air pollution.

In West Java, there are many factory areas, such as Karawang. Then in Banten, in Suralaya there is a PLTU. There was coal burning. It got here air pollution," said Diya last June.

The fact that PLTU has played a role in the craze for Jakarta pollution is very unfortunate. The reason is, the government cannot seem to be able to do much to overcome this problem. On September 16, 2021, the Central Jakarta District Court stated that the four parties sued by the Advocacy Team for the Initiative to Clean the Air of the Universe Coalition (Capital) had committed an unlawful act related to the handling of air pollution. This was confirmed by the Jakarta High Court on October 17, 2022.

In this case, the defendants included President Joko Widodo, Minister of Environment and Forestry, Minister of Home Affairs, Minister of Health, and Governor of DKI Jakarta. In addition, the defendant includes the Governor of Banten and the Governor of West Java. But until now, Jokowi and the Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) have actually raised an appeal against the lawsuit in the early stages of January 2023.

The allegation that Jokowi took the issue of air pollution lightly strengthened by the president's words some time ago. He said that one of the solutions to overcome pollution in DKI Jakarta was to shift the burden to the capital city of the archipelago (IKN). Jokowi's statement about solutions to air pollution in Jakarta received a response from environmental drivers, one of which was the Indonesian Environmental Welfare (WALHI).

"We regret the shallow statement that tries to simplify the problem out of a president who was once the Governor of Jakarta," said Walhi Jakarta Executive Director, Suci Fitriah Tanjung.

In addition to the industrial sector, the problem of pollution in Jakarta and its surroundings is also caused by high transportation. Oil-fueled vehicles that are not environmentally friendly, such as motorbikes and cars, are the biggest contributors to air pollution. Director General of Environmental Pollution and Damage Control (PPKL) Sigit Reliantoro detailed the pollution-scattering sectors in Jakarta. According to a study conducted by his party, transportation contributed about 44 percent of emissions, industry 31 percent, 10 percent manufacturing energy industry, 14 percent housing and 1 percent commercial.

Turning from conventional oil-fueled vehicles to electric vehicles is said to be an essential thing for residents in Jakarta. Not only that, but the public is also expected to switch from private vehicles to public transportation. As an effort to reduce pollution, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has prepared to procure 100 electric buses operated by PT TransJakarta.

Based on research by a non-governmental organization (NGO), Jakarta targets 60 percent of conventional vehicle users to switch to electric vehicles by 2030. This is expected to reduce 2.3 tons of greenhouse gases in Jakarta. This was revealed by the Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo.

"This means that we will be able to save or reduce efforts by 45 percent of air pollution in Jakarta. Therefore, public awareness is important for both of us to switch from private vehicles to public transportation services," said Syafrin, quoted by Antara.

Air pollution has become a worrying issue. From year to year, instead of improving, air conditions, especially in Jakarta are getting worse. The health of the population is also threatened. The DKI Jakarta Health Office said that around 100 thousand residents in the capital city experience acute respiratory infection (ARI) every month due to the weather shift. Based on data, there was an increase in cases from 99,130 in May 2023 to 102,475 cases in uni month.

"Residents affected by cough, runny nose, and pneumonia every month average 100,000 cases out of 11 million people," said Head of the Surveillance, Epidemiology and Immunization Section of the DKI Jakarta Health Office, Ngabila Salama, as reported by Antara.

Even the World Health Organization (WHO) says air pollution kills about seven million people worldwide every year. WHO data shows that 9 out of 10 people breathe air that contains high levels of pollutants.

From the smog that surrounds the city to smoke in the house, air pollution is a major threat to health and climate. The combined effects of ambient (outdoor) and household air pollution have caused about seven million premature deaths each year, most of which result from an increase in death from stroke, heart disease, chronic obstructive lung disease, lung cancer, and ISPA, the WHO's official website reported.

In the midst of threats from various diseases caused by air pollution in Jakarta and its surroundings, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Environment Office, Asep Kuswanto, called on residents to implement a number of protective measures. One of them is that residents are advised to use masks to reduce the risk of infection due to pollution.

"Take preventive measures to prevent or reduce the impact for individual Jakarta residents. For example, using a mask, reducing outside activities and so on because prevention must be carried out as early as possible and from yourself," Asep explained.

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