JAKARTA – The trend of the status of children with obesity tends to decrease in the last five years. The results of the 2018 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas), the prevalence of obesity in children aged 5 to 12 years reached 20 percent with details of over nutrition 10.8 percent and obesity 9.2 percent.

However, from the results of the 2022 Indonesian Nutritional Status Survey (SSGI), nationally the rate of child obesity in Indonesia is only 3.5 percent. Even so, the Chairman of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) Piprim Basarah Yanuarso asked parents to remain vigilant.

Because, at this time, there are lots of children's snacks and drinks that are high in sugar and high in flour. Not to mention the child's habit of playing gadgets.

“There are so many temptations, especially for teenagers. Sugary food and drink ads are overwhelming nowadays. If children already like to consume high-sugar drinks, plus they are lazy to move, they are very susceptible to obesity," said Piprim during a virtual media briefing entitled "Obesity in Children and Its Impacts" on March 7, 2023.

The best way to prevent obesity in children is of course to provide foods that contain animal protein, fruits, and vegetables. Or real food, a food menu without excessive cooking. Thus, it is freer of unnecessary chemical additives, of course, it is also rich in nutrients.

Overweight or obesity is a serious threat to Indonesian children besides stunting. (Antara)

"For toddlers, animal protein can be given when the child has received complementary food for breast milk. Animal protein can be obtained, for example, from processed eggs, fish paste, rica-rica chicken, rendang, and many more. These foods can be more filling. Children don't get hungry easily," he said.

Unlike the high intake of carbohydrates absorbed quickly. When consuming, blood sugar will quickly rise and fall. Thus, the child will feel hungry faster.

"Meanwhile, sweet drinks can be replaced with low-calorie sweeteners. In essence, changing diet is the first step in preventing and overcoming obesity in children. When the eating pattern is maintained, continue with getting the child used to body movements," Piprim continued.

Apart from that, added the Head of the IDAI Endocrinology Coordinating Work Unit, Muhammad Faizi, the community must also be able to change the view that fat children are cute and adorable.

"Not like that. Obese children should not be considered as healthy and cute, on the contrary, the potential for obesity, "he said on the same occasion.

The Impact of Growth and Development

Obesity can have a negative impact on the health and development of children, including psychosocial aspects. Children are prone to developing asthma, prone to bone, joint, and muscle problems, and are at great risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, such as heart disease, obesity, and stroke.

In addition, children are also vulnerable to bullying, victimization, and exclusion which can result in decreased academic achievement.

So, said Piprim, "Apart from stunting, obesity also needs to be a concern because there are 11 percent of Indonesian children who suffer from obesity, always pay attention to whether the child's height and weight are ideal."

The ideal body weight for children aged 1-5 years according to WHO is as follows:

1 year: female 8.9 kg, male 9.6 kg

2 years: female 11.5 kg, male 12.5 kg

3 years: female 13.9 kg, male 14.3 kg

4 years: female 16.1 kg, male 16.3 kg

5 years: female 18.2 kg, male 18.3 kg

Give food that is rich in nutrients, so that children do not experience obesity. (Antara/Maria Cicilia Galuh)

The standard deviation is about 2-3 kg. If a child weighs less or more than 2-3 kg from that number, then it is still considered ideal.

Meanwhile, the ideal body weight for children aged 6-12 years according to data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) matches the child's height, ideally:


6 years: weight 21 kg, height 116 cm

7 years: weight 23 kg, height 122 cm

8 years: weight 26 kg, height 128 cm

9 years: weight 29 kg, height 134 cm

10 years: weight 32 kg, height 139 cm

11 years: weight 36 kg, height 144 cm

12 years: weight 41 kg, height 149 cm


6 years: weight 20 kg, height 115 cm

7 years: weight 23 kg, height 122 cm

8 years: weight 26 kg, height 128 cm

9 years: weight 29 kg, height 133 cm

10 years: weight 33 kg, height 138 cm

11 years: weight 37 kg, height 144 cm

12 years: weight 42 kg, height 152 cm

If a child does not have the ideal weight and height, it is not necessarily a problem with the child's nutritional status. Children with large bodies are not necessarily abnormal and vice versa. Many problems that affect growth, can be due to genetic factors, chronic disease, nutrition, or exercise.

Obesity or being overweight can cause negative effects on health, according to WHO, obesity causes 10.3 percent of all deaths in the world.

“Everyone must realize that fat is not healthy. We need to make this a tagline in the hope that there will be awareness from the public to always be aware that their children are obese," added Faizi.

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