Indonesia is preparing to hold a democratic party. The General Elections Commission (KPU) has designated February 14, 2024 as voting day. However, a number of people still doubt whether this election can really produce a leader who is able to bring Indonesia to prosperity?

Currently alone, public trust as voters in political parties is decreasing. In fact, society and political parties are two elements that determine the success of the election in finding a leader who has quality and integrity.

The public, said Asep Nurjaman in his book 'Partai and Election: Political Behavior in the Local After the New Order', has treated the elections as well as the market. They only want to choose a political party that is profitable. Any party that enters will be accepted as long as it can contribute to the environment and society.

They are careful with the fresh ideas of the new party as well as with the old party which is their choice. The public already has the assumption that after the election is carried out there will be no change to them.

"Just try it, bro, I've always been like this. There are elections or no elections, my fate still doesn't change. If that's the case, it's better if what can be obtained now, in the future we don't know, at least those we support forget," wrote Asep referring to the results of his observations.

So, said Asep, the democracy created is warung democracy. Some pay, then they will be voiced.

This thought can indeed be understood when reflecting on the corrupt behavior of officials who are increasingly rampant, even Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD alone assessed that corruption in the reform era was crazier than in the New Order era. Like cancer, it has infected all sectors of government.

"Now you see the DPR for corruption itself, the Supreme Court for corruption itself, the Constitutional Court for judges for corruption, regional heads, DPRD for all corruption itself," said Mahfud in a dialogue with academics in Yogyakarta.

"Because of what? In the name of democracy. After democracy, it is free to do anything. The government must not interfere. So democracy (also) is getting wider," he added.

Based on KPK data, from 2004 to January 3, 2022, no less than 22 governors and 148 regents/mayors have been prosecuted by the KPK. This amount can certainly be greater if combined with data from the Prosecutor's Office and the Police.

Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) alone noted that no less than 253 regional heads were named corruption suspects by law enforcement officers throughout 2010-June 2018. Not to mention, suspects from among DPR/DPRD members reached 586 people in the 2010-2019 period.

The existence of corruptors' sentences is not increased, it is even lighter. Real evidence can be seen from the contents of the Criminal Code Law which was recently passed by the DPR. No wonder, if there are assumptions of eradicating corruption and making corruption an extraordinary crime, it is just a slogan.

It's no wonder, said Asep, that some voters tend to be aptis and cynical about political parties.

Muhadam Labolo and Teguh Ilham in the book 'Political Party and General Election System in Indonesia' also recognize that Indonesian politics is currently full of various deviations. Shifting from the meaning of politics itself is to build and create an ideal or better society.

It is very dilemmatic, political parties cannot do much because they often have problems with finances. Almost no party can survive just by relying on member contributions.

"In fact, the need for political parties has never decreased and has even continued to grow as competition between parties is getting tighter," said Muhadam and Teguh.

Illustration - The distrust of some voters towards political parties results in the emergence of warung democracy. Some pay, then they will be voiced. (Between)

As a result, political parties tend to seek other income by recruiting wealthy groups who want to become public officials. As long as you have money, those who do not have competence can also become officials. Or rely on entrepreneurs.

This is what makes the independence of political parties vulnerable to being disrupted. It is not impossible that the party will prioritize the interests of the donors compared to the interests of the people.

The rise of corruption cases has shown us that the financial condition of political parties in this country is unhealthy. They are not corruption solely because of personal motives. The need for political parties for large funds to win the election has encouraged politicians to act corrupt, said Muhadam and Teguh.

These facts prove that the implementation of the political system after the amendments to the 1945 Constitution in 2002 has proven ineffective. Ubedilah Badrun in the book 'Indonesian Political System: Criteria and Effective Political System Solutions' suggest that there needs to be improvements to the Indonesian political system.

Macrosically, there are three patterns of improvement that can be made, one of which is to re-use the political system based on the 1945 Constitution, such as before it was amended with a slight change in the term of office of the President, which is limited to only two terms of office. This is to avoid absoluteism of power. The rest is the same as the political system in the past.

The political system in the previous era, both the old and the new order, was a political system that combined the perspective of modern political theory with a typical Indonesian political perspective.

"There are 2 important concepts in our political structure, namely the concept of deliberation which is structurally in the form of an MPR whose membership can come from regional delegates and envoys from the archipelago's king-king class, influential regional figures, religious leaders, and functional figures. Also, the concept of representatives who are structurally in the form of a DPR whose members are elected through elections that come from political parties, "wrote Ubedilah.

The existence of the MPR as the highest state institution can actually make the capabilities of a measured and directed political system because the MPR has the authority through deliberation to prepare the GBHN as the direction of state development.

The MPR also chooses the president and vice president only for two terms of office, as well as the MPR as the highest house in the country to be able to make an appointment with the president if the president violates the 1945 Constitution.

"This first pattern is also believed to be more efficient because it can minimize money politics during the presidential and vice presidential elections because elections are held in the MPR with strict public monitoring and the existence of the current KPK," he added.

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