JAKARTA - Corruption in the reform era was much more massive than in the New Order era. During the New Order era, corruption was more coordinated because there was a figure of President Suharto. However, now it is more irregular.

In fact, corruption has spread in all sectors at this time. Even sadder, it has undermined educational institutions in Indonesia.

Watch the Corruption Eradication Commission's (KPK) Hand Catch Operation (OTT) on Friday (19/8). Six of the eight actors were academics from the first and oldest state university in Lampung Province, the University of Lampung (Unila).

The educators at Unila that the KPK has arrested are Unila Chancellor Karomani, Unila Head of Planning and Public Relations Bureau Budi Sutomo, and Unila Senate Chair Muhammad Basri. There are also Unila Mualimin lecturers, Unila Faculty of Engineering Dean Helmy Fitriawan, and Unila Heryandi Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

“Karomani, Budi, and Basri were caught by OTT in Bandung. Meanwhile, Mualimin, Helmy, and Heryandi are in Lampung. Two more people who were arrested were Karomani's aide, Adi Trwibowo who was also arrested in Bandung, and Andi Desfiandi, a private party who we arrested in Bali," explained the Director of Investigation (Dirdik) of the KPK, Kombes Asep Guntur Rahayu in a press statement at his office, Sunday (21/21/2020). 8).

A banner with a picture of the Chancellor of the University of Lampung (Unila) Prof. Dr. Karomani who was arrested by the KPK, was displayed at the Unila Bandarlampung Rectorate Building, Sunday, (21/8/2022). (Antara/Dian Hadiyatna)

Of the 8 people netted by OTT, 4 of them have been named suspects by the KPK. Namely, Karomani, Heryandi, Muhammad Basri, and Andi Desfiandi. They are suspected of setting the entrance fee for new students in 2022 who use the independent pathway at the University of Lampung.

Karomani as rector has the authority to determine the graduation of prospective new students who enter through the Unila Entrance Independent Selection (Simanila) in 2022. He orders his subordinates to personally select Simala participants.

Then, the subordinates who received orders from Karomani communicated with the student's parents to ask for money so that their child could be declared Simanila passed.

The money requested, said KPK Deputy Chairman Nurul Ghufron, ranging from IDR 100-350 million.

"Based on calculations, the bribes Karomani received were worth more than IDR 5 billion," he said.

From the OTT, the KPK has secured evidence in the form of an ATM card and a savings book of IDR 1.8 billion during the OTT in Bandung. Also, cash amounting to IDR 414.5 million, a deposit slip at a bank for IDR 800 million, and a safe deposit box key containing IDR 1.4 billion worth of gold from OTT in Lampung.

The suspects of corruption in the independent admission of new students at the University of Lampung: University of Lampung Chancellor Karomani (second right), Deputy Chancellor I for Academic Affairs Heryandi (right), Senate Chair Muhammad Basri (second left), and the private sector Andi Desfian. (Antara/Sigid Kurniawan)

Of course, the acts of corruption committed by these academics have tarnished the Tri Dharma of Higher Education as a forum for education, research, and service. Universities that should be at the forefront of eradicating corruption, for the umpteenth time have not been able to prove better values.

Director of Strategic Politics, M Subhan admits that corruption in universities is not the first time this has happened. In the last ten years, a number of rectors have been implicated in corruption cases.

However, what happened was completely contradictory. The Chancellor or educator who should be a role model actually does something that is not educated. Far from educational values.

"It's sad, sad, and at the same time worrying. Tarnish, damage, and undermine the image of the integrity of state universities. The Chancellor is the top leader, the person who should have finished with him," he told VOI, Monday (22/8).

Cut One Generation

Indonesia, said Subhan, is indeed in a phase of destruction. Corruption has become cancer and even continues to mutate to damage the joints of life. At the RT/RW level alone, many cases of corruption are found.

In fact, the initial reform agenda was anti-corruption, collusion, and nepotism (KKN). But in reality, it's just a slogan at the moment. There is no commitment to make it happen.

In fact, the generation that at that time shouted the spirit of anti-KKN actually dissolved and was carried away by the current, which could no longer be expected.

“There is a table full of food. In the New Order era, corruptors only took their food. In today's era, not only food, the table was stolen. It looks like the Indonesian sky is about to collapse,” Subhan illustrates.

Changing human character is difficult, but not impossible. The extreme way to overcome the latent danger of corruption, according to Subhan, is to cut off a generation.

The Rectorate Building of the University of Lampung (Unila) in Bandar Lampung. (Antara/Dian Hendriyana)

Look at the golden generation in the era of Ki Hajar Dewantara, Soekarno, Hatta, Syahrir. Do you know the story of Bung Hatta who always kept himself from corruption? In fact, his position is very powerful, an economist who also serves as vice president. However, until the end of his life, Bung Hatta was never able to buy the shoes of his dreams.

“Bung Hatta once cut out a picture of Bally's shoes. He said if I had the money I would buy these shoes. But until the end of his life, he also could not afford Bally shoes. Actually, you just have to ask for it, it will be given, maybe even a better one, but Bung Hatta doesn't want it," said Subhan

Indeed, education is the foundation of the nation. Quality education will certainly bring quality generations.

The quality of education is not only a question of knowledge, but also character and etiquette. Behavior and knowledge must go hand in hand.

University of Lampung (Unila) students protested Karomani, the Chancellor of Unila who was affected by the KPK OTT for allegedly committing corruption in the admission of new students through independent channels. (lampungpro.co)

"If science leaves etiquette, it's like now. People no longer have social responsibilities, and are more individualistic, in the end, they consider corruption a common thing. Position is not a service but a job seeker," he said.

Soekarno, Hatta, Syahrir, Ki Hajar Dewantara have given examples of the role of knowledge and adab as the foundation for establishing a nation. However, why, the next generation only considers it just a story of the glory of the past without taking important lessons from it?

"Be aware, corruption is a serious danger, its impact on the nation and state is very fatal," said Subhan.

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