BADUNG - Heather Mack (25), a woman from the United States (US) who killed her biological mother, is free from Kerobokan Prison, Badung, Bali.
Heather Mack breathes free to air after leaving the Kerobokan Class II A Prison at around 09.12 WITA, Friday, October 29.
Heather Mack was picked up by two officers from the Immigration Class I Special Ngurah Rai office, Bali, at 08.53 WITA. Heather Mack was seen wearing an orange vest and being escorted by immigration officials.
US foreigner Heather Mack was previously found guilty of the murder of her biological mother, Sheila von Wiese-Mack, on August 12, 2014. The murder was committed with her lover, Tommy Schaefer.

The murders occurred while they were on vacation in Bali. The murder was carried out in room number 317 of the St Regis Hotel, Nusa Dua, Badung, Bali.
The dark incident occurred because of the disappointment with the victim who did not approve of the love affair between the two. Heather Mack, who was only 18 at the time, was found to be pregnant.
Sadistically, Sheila's body was put in a large suitcase and put in the trunk of a taxi that had been ordered earlier. Fearing that the murder would be exposed, the two perpetrators fled through the back door of the hotel towards the beach.
The driver and hotel clerk who found the suitcase covered in blood took it to the police station.
Schaefer was sentenced to 18 years in prison for the murder. Heather Mack was sentenced to 10 years for helping plan the murder of her mother.
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