Gerindra Yakin Panel Hakim MK Bakal Round Reject Lawsuit Anies-Ganjar
MK/DOK Session BETWEEN PHOTOS/Aprillio Akbar/Spt.

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Gerindra Party, Habiburokhman, believes that the panel of judges of the Constitutional Court (MK) will unanimously reject the 2024 presidential election dispute filed by the Paslon camp number 1 and candidate pair number 3.

The reason is that the request for the implementation of the presidential election to be repeated by disqualifying candidate pair number 2 is considered unreasonable.

"This is a lawsuit that makes no sense, is not in accordance with the constitution, and various Election Laws, the Constitutional Court Law. That in the Constitutional Court the results are disputed, the name is also PHPU, disputes over the results of the general election. So I haqqul Yaqin after I read all the applications for candidate pair 01 and candidate pair 03, the following are the tables they present, in my opinion, I believe the panel of constitutional judges who are statesmen will unanimously reject this request," said Habiburokhman at the DPR building, Thursday, March 28.

The KPU in response to the lawsuit asked the judge to reject the lawsuit between the pair Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar regarding the 2024 presidential election.

KPU's attorney, Hifdzil Alim, said Anies-Muhaimin's lawsuit was not in accordance with the forum for the dispute over the election results (PHPU) at the Constitutional Court (MK).

"Only include the recapitulation of the presidential election votes determined by the respondent without juxtaposing the votes according to the petitioner," said Hifdzil at the Constitutional Court, Central Jakarta, Thursday, March 28.

"That thus, the applicant's application must be rejected or at least unacceptable," he added.

The KPU considers that what is being questioned in the lawsuit does not discuss the difference in votes. However, Anies-Muhaimin even questioned the massive appointment of regional head officials, the deployment of village heads, the involvement of state officials, to the misuse of social assistance.

"Thus, the petitioner's petition has actually run away, it is not clear that there is a dispute over the results of the general election. The applicant's application must be rejected," he said.

Meanwhile, the Anies-Cak Imin and Ganjar-Mahfud camps both requested that the 2024 presidential election be repeated.

In addition, Anies-Cak Imin also requested that the Constitutional Court decide that the presidential election be held again without Gibran's involvement as a contestant.

Meanwhile, Ganjar-Mahfud requested that the presidential election be held again no later than June 26, 2024 without Prabowo-Gibran.

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