JAKARTA - China gave a warning against Taiwan's political activities. This can be seen from the increased activity of the Chinese military near Taiwan while declaring "independence means war". The Chinese military movement is a response to foreign provocation and interference in Taiwan.

Taiwan, which China claims as its territory, reported several Chinese fighter jets and bombers entering the southwestern air defense identification zone last weekend. That prompted the United States (US) to urge China to stop pressing Taiwan.

Citing Reuters on Friday, January 29, 2021, China believes Taiwan's democratically elected government is moving the island towards a formal declaration of independence. Although Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen has repeatedly said they are already an independent country with the official name of the Republic of China.

Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Wu Qian said in his press conference that Taiwan is an inseparable part of China. "The military activities carried out by the Chinese People's Liberation Army in the Taiwan Strait are necessary measures to address the current security situation in the Taiwan Strait and to safeguard national sovereignty and security".

"We warn of the independence element of Taiwan: those who play with fire will burn themselves, and 'Taiwan independence' means war", said Wu Qian.

China has never used its power to bring Taiwan under its control. It is uncommon for China to make conflict threats publicly and verbally.

Responding to the matter, Pentagon Spokesman John Kirby said there was no reason for the tension between China and Taiwan could become confrontational. "He also said that the US military support for Taiwan's self-defense". We have an obligation to help Taiwan with their own defense and I think you will see that continue", said Kirby.

Meanwhile, the Taiwan Mainland Affairs Council said that China should be careful and not underestimate Taiwan's determination to defend their sovereignty. Taiwan will firmly uphold freedom and democracy.

Cross the line

Taiwan's Defense Ministry reported that six Chinese air force planes, including four J-10 fighter jets, flew into Taiwan's air defense zone on Thursday, January 28, 2021. The area is close to the Taiwan-controlled Pratas Islands at the top of the South China Sea.

Last weekend's Chinese offensive coincided with US carrier battle groups entering the disputed South China Sea to promote "freedom of the sea",

China routinely describes Taiwan as the most important and sensitive issue in its relationship with the US. Then, the Donald Trump administration increased support for Taiwan in terms of arms sales and senior officials visiting Taipei.

President Joe Biden's administration, which has only served for a week, has reaffirmed its steadfast commitment to Taiwan. Taiwan has criticized China's threats and attempts at intimidation and President Tsai has pledged to defend Taiwan's freedom.

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