Honda City Driver Kills Motorcyclist On Roadside Is Determined As Suspect

PANDEGLANG – Pandeglang Police finally named the driver of the 'Honda City' who killed a motorcyclist while pulling over Babakan Nangka street, Karyabuana Village, Cigeulis District, Pandeglang Regency, as a suspect.

The determination was based on the examination of witnesses, the examination of CCTV at the scene, and the crime scene (TKP).

"Investigators have carried out a case title led by Head of Traffic Unit (Kasatlantas) of Pandeglang Police. The result is clear legal facts to increase MZS's status as a suspect." explained the Head of Public Relations of the Banten Police Grand Commissioner Adjutant Shinto Silitonga to VOI, Monday, November 1.

Screen capture of two motorcyclists being rammed into a Honda City car

After being named a suspect, investigators have also confiscated evidence in the form of a Honda City sedan and CCTV footage.

"The multi-layered suspicions imposed on the perpetrators are Article 310 paragraph (4) and paragraph (2) of Law no. 22 of 2009 concerning LLAJ, namely due to negligence, there was a traffic accident that resulted in the death and injury of the victim with a penalty of 6 years in prison,” Shinto said.

After the incident, the suspect MZS has been investigated and detained. Officers also checked MZS urine, and the results were negative.

The case of the Honda City Driver Death case that killed people on the side of the road/Photo: Doc. Banten Police

"There has been an inspection since last night. And a urine test on the suspect. The results of the urine examination at the hospital in Pandeglang, did not find any indications of drugs.” continued Shinto.

Previously, it was reported that a high-speed black Honda City sedan hit two people who were pulling over with their motorbikes, Saturday, October 30, at around 17.30 western Indonesia time.

In the video circulating on social media, it can be seen that there are 3 people with two motorbikes and from behind suddenly a black Honda City sedan sped up and hit the two people.

As a result of the incident, one victim died, one person was injured, and is undergoing treatment at the hospital.