Ashiap, Atta Halilintar Will Collaborate With Gus Miftah And Ipang Wahid To Make 'Omah Asa'

JAKARTA - Gus Miftah, Atta Halilintar, and Ipang Wahid collaborate to make Omah Asa (Home of Hope), a place for creating positive content that has a big impact on the people of Indonesia.

Omah Asa was founded right at the moment of the Youth Pledge with the hope of bringing the spirit of the youth and giving a high social impact.

"In this house, differences will glue, not crack. In this house, differences are a reason to complement each other, not be hostile. In this house, differences are a reason to side by side, not compete," said Gus Miftah in his statement, Sunday, October 31, quoted from Between.

Ipang Wahid explained, the Omah Asa program will cover several things that are contemporary and can spread a positive impact. Moreover, the three of them are known as public figures who often create breakthroughs and trends that are followed by many people in the country.

Gus Miftah who is an expert in religious knowledge, Atta with experience as a content creator with the largest YouTube followers in Southeast Asia, and Ipang Wahid with his many contributions in the creative world make the vision of the establishment of Omah Asa not difficult to realize.

“Omah Asa's great vision is to become a Center of Virtue. Spreading good vibes," said the man who is also the great-grandson of the founder of Nahdlatul Ulama, KH Hasyim Asy'ari.

Omah Asa will also involve public figures to collaborate together, including Deddy Corbuzier, Raffi Ahmad, Wirda Yusuf Mansur (daughter of Ustadz Yusuf Mansur), and YouTuber Arief Muhammad.

Later, various daily inspirational content will be initiated at Omah Asa, such as the Gus Miftah podcast, humanitarian movements, to economic empowerment of rural communities to Islamic boarding schools.