Aceh Police Seize 5 People Related To Terror Of Police Post Shooting

BANDA ACEH - The Aceh Police General Criminal Investigation Directorate team and the West Aceh Police General Crime Investigation Unit have arrested five people suspected of being involved in shooting a police post in the West Aceh Regency.

Head of Public Relations of the Aceh Police, Winardy, the five people was detained for the process of examining and deepening the case of the shooting of the police post in Panton Reu.

"Those who have been detained are witnesses. They are being examined for further information to reveal the motive and alibi for the shooting of the police post", said Kombes Winardy, quoted by Antara, Friday, October 29.

According to Kombes Winardy, their examination is related to the evidence owned by investigators. If any of them are suspected of being involved, they will be designated as suspects and an investigation will be carried out by applicable regulations.

"We are still waiting for the latest information from the General Criminal Investigation Directorate team, whether the five people being examined were involved in the shooting or not. Their examination is based on evidence and information collected at the scene", said Kombes Winardy.

Previously, Kombes Winardy said the Aceh Police were hunting for an unknown person suspected of strafing with firearms at the police post at Panton Reu, West Aceh Police.

"The police post is located in Gampong Manggi, Panton Reu District, West Aceh Regency. The Aceh Police dispatched a team to hunt down the suspected perpetrator. The shooting of the police post occurred Thursday, October 28 at 03.15 WIB", said Kombes Winardy.

The police found shells and several bullet projectiles with caliber 7.62 x 39 millimeters and 5.56 x 45 millimeters during the crime scene (TKP).

"There are shells and bullet projectiles attached to the walls of the Pol Pol Post and in people's cars parked around the police post. There are no casualties and material losses are being inventoried", said Kombes Winardy.

The team that was dispatched to the location from the General Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Aceh Police, supported by the West Aceh Police Criminal Investigation Unit personnel, pursued the alleged perpetrators and explored the motive for the shooting and other things that might have happened.

The Aceh Police, said Kombes Winardy, regretted the shooting at a time when all elements of society were working hard to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We regret that there are also people taking actions that can disrupt public security and order. The police continue to hunt down the perpetrators. We urge the public to remain calm and not be provoked", concluded Kombes Winardy.