The Mud From The Excavation Of The Drainage Will Be Converted By The West Jakarta City Government Into A Block

JAKARTA - The West Jakarta City Government (Jakbar City Government) will turn the mud excavated from waterways into concrete bricks (block).

"We are currently reviewing it with experts from several universities. Can these muds be used and suitable for the manufacture of 'blocks'," said Kembangan sub-district head Joko Mulyono, Thursday, October 28.

The activity of utilizing mud from the waterways will be carried out by the ranks of the Kembang District, West Jakarta.

The idea for this utilization, continued Joko, stems from the many findings of mud in several channels in the Kembangan area when cleaning was carried out.

Reporting from Antara, Joko also chose to reuse the mud rather than throwing it directly into the landfill.

Furthermore, after the assessment process is complete, Joko and several other parties will monitor the volume of mud found in the channel.

After that, his party will consider the process of processing the mud into concrete bricks.

His party has even mapped out which areas are planned to be used as sludge treatment sites.

"The plan is to place it in block 35 near Jabon Market. There is a rather large place there," said Joko.

If the whole process goes smoothly, Joko estimates that the initial work will start in January 2022.

Later, the processing results will be sold to be used for the construction of community facilities.

"If we have a lot of production, we will use it economically, but for the beginning, we may use it for our own development," said Joko.