Ali Ghufron Mukti Invites All Parties To Maintain JKN-KIS Sustainability, This Is The Goal

JAKARTA - BPJS Kesehatan President Director Ali Ghufron Mukti invites all stakeholders to maintain the sustainability of the National Health Insurance-Healthy Indonesia Card (JKN-KIS) Program to improve the health system in Indonesia.

"This universal health coverage must be interpreted as a common goal to provide health insurance to all Indonesian people," said Ghufron in a written statement as quoted by Antara, Thursday, October 28.

Ghufron asked all stakeholders to strengthen their commitment to help maintain the sustainability of the JKN-KIS Program.

This was conveyed by Ghufron at the Symposium 2 - 52nd International Conference Asia – Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACH) organized by Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, East Java.

Ghufron said that the sustainability of the JKN-KIS Program could have an impact in various sectors, including an impact on increasing life expectancy by 2.1 years. The JKN-KIS program also contributed to increasing access to health services in outpatient care by 3.60 percent and inpatients by 3.20 percent in 2019.

The current JKN-KIS program has also become the top of mind financing of health services in Indonesia. By utilizing the program, the number of participant visits to health facilities (faskes) continues to increase. Since it first operated in 2014 to 2020, the utilization of JKN-KIS has been used more than 1.3 billion times.

In 2014, the number of new visits reached 92.3 million visits, then continued to rise and increase sharply until 2020 to 224.7 million sick visits at health facilities, or 615,616 visits per calendar day.

Ghufron said that in the implementation of the JKN-KIS program, there were dynamics and challenges of its own. However, the synergy efforts built with all stakeholders can be a joint effort in maintaining good achievements and continuing to make improvements in various sectors.

BPJS Kesehatan also continues to build synergies with local governments to incorporate regional health insurance schemes into the JKN-KIS Program to increase JKN membership coverage.

In addition, BPJS Kesehatan has also expanded the registration channel for JKN-KIS participants for the public through internal and external registration. With the various conveniences for registering as JKN-KIS participants, it is hoped that it can encourage people to register themselves as JKN-KIS participants.

Thus, continued Ali Ghufron Mukti, it can help accelerate the achievement of participation according to the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), which is 98 percent of the Indonesian population.