Good News For Karawang Community, Managing Land Certificates Is Easier Through PTSL

JAKARTA - The people of Karawang Regency, West Java, admit that they have felt the ease in managing land certificates through the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program launched by the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN).

"Thanks to ATR/BPN because with PTSL, I am very helpful as a small person and it is also very easy to make this certificate. Maybe I will keep this certificate because it is a house certificate, I can make it for my children and grandchildren later," said a resident of Karawang Regency Kusnadi in a press statement from the Ministry of ATR/BPN in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Wednesday, October 27.

Kusnadi, who works as a casual daily laborer, said that he is very grateful for the PTSL program in Karawang Regency because his house now has a certificate so that he feels more secure, comfortable, and doesn't have to worry anymore.

Another resident of Karawang Regency, Adang, who works as a farmer, said he was happy because the process of making his house certificate was so easy. "BPN in the process here is good. I am very happy with PTSL and the performance of BPN in Karawang is very good," he said.

The Ministry of ATR/BPN targets PTSL 2021 in Karawang Regency as many as 70,000 fields. As of October 24, 2021, 63,117 fields have been realized or 90.17 percent.

The Regent of Karawang Cellica Nurrachadiana appreciated the performance of the Land Office of the BPN Karawang Regency. "This achievement cannot be separated from the support of all parties in Karawang Regency. We must help all of them so that the expectations of the President regarding this Agrarian Reform program can be useful for the people of Indonesia, especially in Karawang," she said.

In the socialization of the certification process through PTSL, a symbolic certificate was handed over to 11 recipients who were the people of Karawang Regency.

The certificate was handed over by Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Saan Mustofa, Special Staff to the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN for Institutional Affairs Teuku Taufiqulhadi, Head of the Organization and Personnel Bureau Deni Santo, Head of the BPN Regional Office of West Java Province Dalu Agung Darmawan, Regent of Karawang, and Head of the Land Office Karawang Regency, Fitriyani Hasibuan.