The Selection Team For Candidates For KPU-Bawaslu Members Filled With 4 Government Representatives, Needs To Deem Value For Violation Of The Election Law

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo has set 11 names for the Selection Team for Candidates for Members of the General Election Commission (KPU) and members of the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) for the term of 2022-2027.

They are Jury Ardiantoro as Chair, Chandra M. Hamzah as Deputy Chair, Bahtiar as Secretary. The members are Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej, Airlangga Pribadi Kusman, Hamdi Muluk, Endang Sulastri, I Dewa Gede Palguna, Abdul Ghaffar Rozin, Betti Alisjahbana, and Poengky Indarty.

If you glance at the professional backgrounds of the eleven names, they do represent a variety of expertise, such as former election organizers as well as experts in politics, law, information technology, psychology, to management.

However, there is something to highlight. A member of the Advisory Council of Needdem, Titi Anggraini, arrested four members representing elements of the government.

Among them was the Jury who served as Deputy at Presidential Chief of Staff, Bahtiar as Director-General of General Politics and Government, Ministry of Home Affairs, Edward as Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights, and Poengky as Commissioner of National Police Commission.

"From the existing composition, there are names that are part of the Presidential Chief of Staff, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and also the Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights. In addition, there are members of the National Police Commission whose institutions are responsible to the President", Titi said when contacted, Tuesday, October 12.

Titi considers this composition to violate Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections. In the Election Law, it is stated that the KPU-Bawaslu selection team consists of 3 elements of the government, 4 elements of academics, and 4 elements of the community.

"If you refer to these provisions, the four elements of the government are not in line with the mandate of the law. They cannot be considered as representing individuals who have expertise because basically, they are holding active positions", explained Titi.

This rule, said Titi, should not be violated by Jokowi. This is because the formation of South Timor must comply with the provisions of the Election Law so that the process runs well and does not cause speculation in the community.

"This is what the Government must explain further to the public regarding the existence of 4 government elements in the composition of the Selection Team. In fact, the Election Law clearly only regulates three people from the government element", she concluded.