Pretending To Buy 7 Kilograms Of Salak, Woman Wearing Hijab Slowly Stealing The Seller's Handphone In Cakung, Recorded By CCTV

JAKARTA - The theft of a cellphone by a woman wearing a hijab was caught on a CCTV camera at a fruit stall selling fruit on Penggilingan street, Cakung, East Jakarta. When carrying out the action, the perpetrator pretends to be a buyer.

The victim named Egit said that the perpetrator asked him to choose 7 kilograms of sweet salak fruit.

"There was a woman who asked for 7 kilograms of salak to be selected, when it was selected (salak), she took action and stole it," explained Egit, to reporters, Monday, October 11.

The victim said, when he was choosing salak, the perpetrator put a cellphone into her clothes.

"After taking, she (the perpetrator) said goodbye, she said for a moment because she wanted to buy Padang Rice first, but didn't come back again," he said.

The victim realized that when he looked for his cellphone, he couldn't find it.

"I realized when the cellphone was not there. The perpetrator pretended to be shopping, she put the cellphone in the hijab," said the victim, suspecting.

After the victim checked the CCTV, it was confirmed that his cellphone was stolen by a salak buyer. So far, the victim has not reported the theft to the police.

Apparently, this case of cellphone theft has happened before at the same location and victim.