Order Strong Drugs, Men In Bali Are Actually Framed Until They Are Beaten By A Gang Of Gangsters

DENPASAR - The Denpasar Police, Bali, arrested a group of youths who carried out acts of violence and theft with the mode of offering strong drug products through the MiChat application.

Some of the perpetrators of this robbery are students and some have dropped out of school. They had the initials ART (19), DD (19), KSA (14), LD (13), SW (15), and CSF (17).

"Of these six suspects, four are still minors. The victims were subjected to violence and their belongings were confiscated by six suspects", said Denpasar Police Chief, Kombes Jansen Avitus Panjaitan, at the Denpasar Police Headquarters, Bali, Monday, October 11.

The beating occurred on Saturday, October 2 in the morning on Gunung Talang Street, Denpasar, Bali. At that time, the victim named Jefriyanto (20) ordered a capsule of strong medicine from one of the perpetrators via the MiChat application.

Then the actors together go to the agreed location. The victim also came to take the ordered goods.

While at the location one of the perpetrators invited the victim to chat. The victim was asked by one of the perpetrators to open the MiChat application.

However, when the victim was about to pay and take out the wallet, the victim was pulled and beaten with a wooden stick.

"The victim's head was bleeding. Then the perpetrator took the Oppo brand cellphone and the victim's wallet and ran away

leaving the victim. The perpetrators had planned instead of giving the strong medicine ordered by the victim", added Kombes Jansen.

The victim's items that were seized were the Oppo A.54 cellphone and IDR 3 million in cash. The victim reported this incident to the police. From there, the police arrested the perpetrators on Thursday, October 7th.

"The modus operandi (perpetrators) is to offer goods through social media or COD (Cash On Delivery). When they meet, they abuse the victim together and take the victim's belongings", said Kombes Jansen.

It turns out that this gang has acted 13 times with the same mode.

"There are already 13 crime scenes with the same mode. As a result, they use it to divide equally for pleasure and spree", he said.

According to the police, the perpetrators did not actually possess the strong medicinal product. The offer of selling strong drugs is only a mode of committing crimes in the Denpasar area.

"We have explored the role of each suspect, some hit the victim, some hugged the victim and some took their belongings, and so on. The status is a minor, still an adult who has dropped out of school", said Jansen.

This criminal gang was charged with Article 365 Paragraph (2) to 1e and 2e of the Criminal Code. The maximum sentence of imprisonment is 12 years.