Proven To Obstacle KPK Investigation, Relatives Of Former MA Secretary Nurhadi Sentenced To 4 Years In Prison

JAKARTA - The judges of the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor) sentenced Ferdy Yuman, a relative of former Supreme Court Secretary, Nurhadi, to 4 years in prison plus a fine of IDR 150 million and 3 months in prison. Ferdy was proven to have obstructed the KPK investigation.

"The trial stated that the defendant Ferdy Yuman has been legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing a criminal act of obstructing the investigation of corruption cases as stated in the indictment of the public prosecutor. Sentencing the defendant with imprisonment for 4 years and a fine of IDR 150 million if not paid, replaced with imprisonment for 3 months", said Chief Justice Saifuddin Zuhri at the Jakarta Corruption Court, quoted by Antara, Monday, October 11.

The verdict is lower than the demands of the KPK (Corruption Eradication Commission) public prosecutor (JPU) who requested that Ferdy Yuman be sentenced to 7 years in prison plus a fine of IDR 400 million, subsidiary to 6 months in prison.

The verdict was based on the indictment of Article 21 of Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes.

There are several aggravating and mitigating things in Ferdy's actions.

"The aggravating thing is that the defendant's actions do not support the government's program in eradicating corruption, the defendant is convoluted and does not admit his actions. The mitigating thing is that the defendant is polite, has never been convicted, and a family head", added the judge.

In their consideration, the panel of judges considered that it was proven that Ferdy Yuman wanted to avoid Rezky Herbiono and Nurhadi from the KPK (Corruption Eradication Commission) team.

"The judge assessed that the defendant was aware that he intended to protect Rezky Herbiono and Nurhadi from being arrested by the KPK.

Ferdy is known to be Rezky Herbiyono's cousin, who since 2018 has worked as a driver and Rezky's confidant who takes care of the needs of Rezky and Nurhadi and their families.

For this work, Ferdy received a salary of IDR 20 million per month from Rezky Herbiyono.

On December 6, 2019, a warrant was issued for the investigation of corruption in the receipt of gifts or promises made by Nurhadi together with Rezky Herbiyono and the act of accepting gratuities related to positions.

Three summons by the KPK against Nurhadi and Rezky, namely on December 13, 2019, January 3, 2020, and January 23, 2020, were not fulfilled, so on January 28, 2020, the KPK issued arrest warrants for Nurhadi and Rezky.

Investigators then visited the residence and other locations suspected of hiding Nurhadi and Rezky but were not found so on February 11, 2020, investigators submitted the issuance of the People's Search List (DPO) to the Police on behalf of Nurhadi and Rezky.