Commenting On The Immoral Case In East Lubuk, South Sulawesi Governor: Irrational

JAKARTA - Acting Governor of South Sulawesi Andi Sudirman Sulaiman requested that the case of alleged immorality befell three children by his own biological father in East Luwu Regency was thoroughly investigated.

Andi Sudirman Sulaiman in Makassar on Sunday said that if this is true, this is beyond the limits and irrational, so it should be taken seriously. "It's irrational, the team will go down to see the facts," said Andi Sudirman.

He admitted that the team will coordinate with the police to jointly conduct a re-investigation related to this case. Moreover, for him, this perpetrator of sexual violence against children was heard in 2019 and reappeared, so it is necessary to thoroughly investigate the truth.

"We give the APH (law enforcement officers) and YIM friends the opportunity to work together and investigate. It is necessary to carry out a thorough investigation according to procedures and reveal this case truthfully," he said.

Andi Sudirman said he had asked the Office of Women's Empowerment, Child Protection, Population Control, and Family Planning (P3A Dalduk KB) of South Sulawesi (Sulsel) Province to coordinate with the Lutim Regency Government.

"I have asked the Head of the P3A District Office to coordinate with the Lutim Regency Government. Including assistance to the victim's family," he said.

It is known, cases of alleged rape experienced by three children aged under 10 years in Lutim in 2019 recently went viral on social media.

Based on the report of the biological mother of the three children, the alleged perpetrator was none other than their own biological father. The East Luwu Police had previously closed the case because they considered the evidence available to be weak.