Unacceptable To Be Fired, 4 Former PDIP Cadres Sue Megawati For IDR 40.7 Billion

MEDAN - The Chairperson of the PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri is suspected of having four former cadres at the Balige District Court, North Sumatra.

The four former PDIP cadres who sued Megawati were Saut Martua Tamba, Renaldi Naibaho, Harry Jono Situmorang and Romauli Panggabean. They sued Megawati Soekarnoputri for IDR 40.7 billion.

Judging from the sipp.pn-balige.go.id page, the lawsuit with case number 96/Pdt.Sus-Parpol/2021/PN Blg, the plaintiffs also sued the Secretary-General of PDIP Hasto Kristiyano, Chairman of the PDIP Court, Chairman of North Sumatra PDIP Regional Leadership Council, Rapidin Simbolon, and Chairman of PDIP Branch Leadership Council Samosir Regency, Sorta Ertaty Simbolon.

"Stating that the defendants have been proven to have committed an unlawful act (Onrechtmatige daad) to the plaintiffs", reads the petition seen by VOI from the sipp.pn-balige.go.id page, Wednesday, October 6.

The plaintiffs also ask the court to declare that it is illegal or null and void and has no legal force to bind all actions or decisions of the defendants that have harmed the plaintiff.

"Ordered Defendant I (Megawati) to revoke the decision on the dismissal", reads the next petition.

In the petition, the plaintiffs asked the court to declare them valid as members of the PDIP and members of the Samosir Regency DPRD for the 2019-2024 period from the PDIP.

Then, they also asked the court to punish the defendants to pay compensation for both material and immaterial losses to the Plaintiffs for IDR 40,720,000,000, in cash and immediately after this case has permanent legal force (In Kracht Van Gewijsde).

Including punishing the defendants jointly to pay all court costs that arise and may arise in this case.

Furthermore, the four plaintiffs also asked the court to declare invalid or null and void related to the PAW letter from the Samosir Regional House of Representatives members for the Plaintiffs proposed by Defendant IV (Sorta Ertaty Simbolon) to the Chairman of the Samosir Regional House of Representatives dated 10 May 2021.

Separately, the Deputy Chairman of the North Sumatra PDIP Regional Leadership Council, Aswan Jaya, who was confirmed about the lawsuit, confirmed that the PDIP DPP's decision to fire the four plaintiffs was by the mechanism.

"The general chairman's decision to dismiss them is by the mechanism and is based on law and politics", said Aswan to VOI.

He asked the four former PDIP members to be tolerant and do some self-introspection.

"This means that you have to be generous, legowo (patience in Javanese). We believe that their actions against the chairwoman will be in vain", said Aswan.