Padang City Government Just Knows There Are Cases Of Child Violence After Crowds In Social Media, This Is What Will Be Done

PADANG - The Padang City Government conducts early detection of violence against children to improve child protection from cases of bullying, violence to sexual harassment.

"So far, this often happens, we only know that there are cases that happen to children after it is crowded in the media. In the future, using existing devices, early detection will be carried out so that prevention efforts can be carried out more quickly", said the Head of the Office of Women's Empowerment, Child Protection, Population Control and Family Planning (DP3AP2KB) Padang City, Editiawarman, in Padang, reported by Antara, Monday, October 4.

He conveyed this in the socialization of increasing the role of the media to realize Padang towards a Child-Friendly City.

According to him, if the incident that happened to the child first went viral in the media, it means that it happened a long time ago.

"This means that all this time, incidents that happened to children tend to be hidden or victims feel ashamed to report", he said.

Therefore, DP3AP2KB Padang took the initiative to conduct early detection of cases of violence against children in collaboration with several stakeholders.

"First, with the ranks of the education office whose role is to detect children in schools, if there are problems, they are immediately investigated", he said.

He hopes that early detection in schools is carried out more massively so that cases of violence against children can be anticipated from the start.

Then, according to him, in DP3AP2KB there are also female cadres of family planning implementers whose members are in all RWs (Citizens Association) in Padang.

"Through these cadres, we are obliged to detect if there are indications of violence against children and women in their respective environments", he said.

He also hopes for support from the media and the entire community if there are indications of violence against children to be reported immediately.

He told that there were cases of bullying of children with special needs in public schools which were then reported to DP3AP2KB and finally facilitated by schools in PKBM (Learning centers).

"This can be realized because there are people who are proactive in reporting", he said.