17 Papuan Activists Who Demonstrated In Front Of The US Embassy Finally Freed

JAKARTA - The Central Jakarta Metro Police finally released 17 Papuan activists who were arrested during a demonstration in front of the United States (US) Embassy, Gambir District, Central Jakarta. After undergoing examination for 18 hours. The protesters were released today, Friday, October 1, this morning.

"Just this morning at 07.45 WIB, he was released without any status, no suspect status", said Citra Referandum, a lawyer from the Jakarta Legal Aid Institute who also advocated for the arrested activists, Friday, October 1.

Citra also assessed that the arrests made by the police were illegal. The information requested by the police is also only the information stated in the clarification report.

"In the Criminal Code, it is not known. There should be no need for the process (arrest) to be carried out, so if you want to dissolve it, it is enough to just dissolve it without being arrested, especially by force and violence", she said.

Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Hengki Hariyadi, previously revealed that officers dispersed the demonstration to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

He reminded us that currently, Jakarta is still in the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) Level 3. Activities that have the potential to cause crowds are prohibited.

Hengki said that while trying to disperse the demonstration, police officers had actually made humane efforts. One of them is by deploying police officers with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

"We put forward the police in PPE uniforms to avoid touching them. But what happened they fought back and injured police officers", he said.

Based on data released by the police, at least 5 police officers were injured.

Meanwhile, one of the participants in the action, Ambrosius Started, denied that the police used persuasive methods. He revealed that the mass of 17 people in action was immediately forcibly transported as soon as they arrived in front of the US Embassy.

"We haven't taken any action yet, we have been forced to get into the Dalmas (Community Control) car", said Ambrosius when confirmed.

Ambrosius also said that the police took repressive measures when securing protest participants by spraying tear gas, resulting in physical clashes.