Surabaya Zoo Ready For Opening Trial

SURABAYA - The Surabaya Zoo Management is ready to conduct a trial opening following the Circular Letter (SE) of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Number SE/19/IL.04.00/DII/2021 concerning the Trial of Opening a Recreational Park Tourism Business in the Region.

"We are still coordinating because we just received news yesterday that some recreational parks have been allowed to open", said Surabaya Mayor, Eri Cahyadi, while reviewing vaccinations at THOR Field, quoted by Antara, Thursday, September 30.

Previously, a Circular Letter (SE) SE/19/IL.04.00/DII/2021 was issued regarding the Guide to the Use of Care and Protection Applications and the Implementation of Health Care Programs in the Trial of Opening a Recreational Park Tourism Business in the Regions with PPKM (Community Activity Restrictions) Level 3 in Java-Bali.

The circular contains a list of recreational parks that have been tested for the implementation of Phase I and II health programs in the East Java region. Of the nine recreational parks that will be tested for opening in East Java, two recreational parks are in Surabaya, namely the Surabaya Zoo (KBS) and Surabaya North Quay (SNQ).

According to Eri Cahyadi, the opening of the trial will be carried out as soon as possible. However, the Surabaya City Government is still studying the SE together with the selected recreational park business actors. So, when the trial will be carried out by applicable health protocols.

"We are still closing it. However, the important thing is that it will be safe when it opens. Hopefully next week we will be able to reopen", he said.

However, Eri Cahyadi explained, during the trial period, recreational park tourism businesses are required to use the PeduliLindung application to screen all visitors and employees by the provisions of the Ministry of Health.

"The process will be first, there is no form of payment in cash, everything must be non-cash. Second, the number of visitors is limited to only 25 percent of capacity. Third, must use the PeduliLindung application", he said.

Therefore, continued Eri Cahyadi, based on the SE, recreational park tourism businesses are required to register the QR Code for the Care for Protection application through the Recreation Park Association and submit it to the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, for further processing to the Ministry of Health.

"God willing, later we will control it all, we will close it. If it is opened first, I will let you know", said Eri.

The SE also stated that children under the age of 12 were prohibited from entering the recreational park which was being tested. Then, visitors who enter the recreational park must have been vaccinated against COVID-19 (at least the first dose of vaccine).

In addition, visitors are also required to have a vaccine certificate listed in the PeduliLindung account and be in good health (normal body temperature) and comply with health protocols.