Anies' Subordinate Asks Parents Not To Worry About Their Children Joining Face-to-face Learning: God Willing, It's Safe
JAKARTA - The West Jakarta City Government has asked parents not to worry about their children taking part two of face-to-face learning (PTM) starting Friday, October 1.
"I don't think you need to worry because we make sure that all learning provisions are in accordance with health protocols," said Head of the Secondary Education Section of the West Jakarta Education Sub-dept. (Sudin) II, Asep S Efendi when contacted in Jakarta, Thursday, September 30.
Asep understands that previously parents were worried because there were rumors of the emergence of a COVID-19 cluster in schools in the West Jakarta area.
His party has traced the findings and the results did not find any COVID-19 clusters in schools.
"It turns out that the findings were before the PTM was held," said Asep.
The health protocol provisions at stage one PTM are also applied in stage two. His party did not add any regulations because the provisions of the health protocol in stage one PTM were deemed appropriate.
"We also did not find any violations of the health procedures at the previous PTM. God willing, it is safe," he said, quoted from Antara.
Previously, hundreds of schools in the West Jakarta area had taken an assessment to take part in the second PTM. In the West Jakarta II Sub-Department of Education alone, there were 194 schools that took part in the assessment.
The 194 schools consist of 22 Pre-schools (PAUD), 76 Elementary Schools (SD), 34 Junior High Schools (SMP), 27 High Schools (SMA), 19 Vocational High Schools (SMK). In addition, there are six Child Friendly (RA), six Ibtidaiyah Madrasas (MI), two Tsanawiyah Madrasas (MTs) and two Aliyah Madrasas (MA).
In the area of the West Jakarta Education Sub-department, I recorded there were 266 schools that took part in the assessment. Namely 20 Kindergartens (TK), 2 Special Schools (SLB), 101 Elementary Schools, 42 Junior High Schools, and 17 High Schools.
In addition, 26 Vocational Schools (SMK), 2 Community Learning Activity Centers (PKBM), 7 MI, 7 MTs, and 2 MA.