Firli Bahuri Hopes That Jambi DPRD Members Will No Longer Be Involved In Corruption

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri hopes that no more members of the Jambi Provincial Regional Representative Council (DPRD) will be involved in corruption cases. Thus, he reminded legislators in this area to refer to the seven indicators of the general welfare.

"I don't expect that district or city DPRD members will add to the records of Jambi DPRD members involved in corruption cases," Firli said in a written statement quoted on Tuesday, September 28.

There are at least seven indicators of general welfare that must be considered. One of them is reducing poverty by examining the availability of poverty alleviation programs in Jambi.

"Is there also a program on reducing unemployment as well as increasing job opportunities? Is there also a program related to the safety of mothers giving birth," said Firli.

In addition, the former Deputy for Enforcement hopes that the Jambi Provincial DPRD members can carry out the commitment and trust given to them by the people. They, he continued, must be able to be carriers of aspirations and at the same time fight for the interests of the community.

If this is not done and the legislators are trapped in corruption, the KPK will not hesitate to take action against them.

"Today I deliberately want to stir this up, DPRD colleagues want to hear or not, yes, I have nothing to do with it. But, after there was a corruption problem, I arrested you. That's for sure," he concluded.