Check Probolinggo District Secretary, KPK Explores Giving Money From ASN Registrants For Head Of Village Position

JAKARTA - Investigators from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) examined the Regional Secretary of Probolinggo Regency, Soeparwiyono as a witness. He was questioned regarding the alleged bribery of buying and selling positions in the Probolinggo Regency Government.

During the examination on Tuesday, September 21, investigators explored several things with Soeparwiyono. This includes allegations of giving money from the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) who registered as village head officials.

"The witness was present and confirmed, among other things, regarding the alleged provision of a sum of money for ASN who will register for the position of Village Head in Probolinggo Regency", KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Ali Fikri told reporters, Wednesday, September 22.

Besides Soeparwiyono, the KPK also examined three other people, namely the Head of the Probolinggo Personnel Agency, Hudan Syarifuddin, the Head of the Probolinggo Village Community Empowerment Service, Edy Suryanto, and the Indonesian House of Representatives aide for the suspect Hasan Aminuddin, Pitra Jaya Kusuma.

The four, said Ali, are also being investigated regarding proposals and inauguration as village head officials who must obtain initial approval from the husband of the inactive Probolinggo Regent Puput Tantriana Sari, Hasan Aminuddin.

For information, Hasan is a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the NasDem Party faction who was the former Regent of Probolinggo for two terms before being replaced by his wife.

"They are confirmed about the proposal until the inauguration as the Village Head must obtain approval in the form of initials from the suspect HA as a representation of the PTS suspect as the Regent", said Ali.

As previously reported, the KPK has named 22 people as suspects in this case of buying and selling positions. They consist of 4 bribe recipients and 18 bribe givers.

Bribes were given so that they could serve as village head officials in the Probolinggo Regency Government. Each person is required to pay IDR 20 million and the village land tribute of IDR 5 million per hectare.

The four recipients were Probolinggo Regent Puput Tantriana Sari, DPR member Hasan Aminuddin, Krejengan sub-district head Doddy Kurniawan, and Paiton sub-district head Muhamad Ridwan.

While the 18 donors namely Sumanto, Ali Wafa, Mawardi, Mashudi, Maliha, Mohammad Bambang, Masruhen, Abdul Wafi, Kho'im, Akhmad Saifullah, Jaelani, Uhar, Nurul Hadi, Nuruh Huda, Hasan, Sahir, Sugito, and Syamsuddin as suspects giver. They are all state civil apparatus (ASN) in Probolinggo.