Ministry Of Health Changed Several Terms Of COVID-19

JAKARTA - The government, through Minister of Health Terawan Agus Putranto, issued a regulation on guidelines for preventing the corona virus (COVID-19) in Indonesia. In the regulation, there are a number of uses of the new terms from the category of people under surveillance (ODP) to patients under surveillance (PDP).

The replacement of this term is contained in the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number HK.01.07 / MENKES / 413/2020 concerning Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) dated July 13.

Referring to these regulations, changes in terms are listed in Chapter III which discusses epidemiological surveillance. The ODP category was changed to suspect cases, PDP to probable cases, and asymptomatic people (OTG) to asymptomatic terms.

"For Suspect Cases, Probable Cases, Confirmation Cases, Close Contact, the terms used in the previous guidelines are People Under Monitoring (ODP), Patients Under Supervision (PDP), People Without Symptoms (OTG)," the contents of the rules were seen by VOI, Tuesday, July 14th.

In addition, the replacement of terms is also in a negative category. In this rule, people who are proven not to be infected after going through the PCR examination process are called Discarded.

"A person with a status of a suspect case with the results of the RT-PCR examination negative twice for 2 consecutive days with an interval of more than 24 hours. Then, someone with a close contact status who has completed the quarantine period of 14 days," wrote the Ministry of Health regulations about changing terms.

Then, the change in designation is also about confirmation cases by addressing symptoms. Previously, this category was only referred to as positive confirmatory cases, but for now it is referred to as symptomatic.

The following is a comprehensive understanding of the new terms contained in the Decree of the Ministry of Health:

1. Suspect Case

A person who has one of the following criteria:

a. People with Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) * AND in the last 14 days before symptoms develop have a history of travel or live in countries / regions of Indonesia that reported local transmission ** b. People with any of the symptoms / signs of ARI * AND in the last 14 days before symptoms develop had a history of contact with a confirmed / probable COVID-19 case. C. People with severe ARD / severe pneumonia *** requiring hospitalization AND no other cause based on a convincing clinical picture.

Note: The term Patient Under Control (PDP) is now known again as a suspect case. * ARI, namely fever (≥38oC) or a history of fever; and accompanied by any of the symptoms / signs of respiratory disease such as: cough / shortness of breath / sore throat / runny nose / pneumonia from mild to severe ** Local transmission countries / regions are countries / regions that report confirmed cases where the source of transmission originates from the region reporting the case the. Local transmission countries are countries that are included in the classification of cluster cases and community transmissions, which can be seen through the website

Local transmission areas in Indonesia can be seen through the website https: //* Definitions of severe ARI / severe pneumonia and ARDS can be seen in table 5.1 in CHAPTER V.

2. Probable Case

Suspected cases with serious ARDs / ARDS *** / died with a convincing clinical picture of COVID-19 AND no RT-PCR laboratory test results.

3. Confirmation Case

A person who tested positive for the COVID-19 virus as evidenced by an RT-PCR laboratory examination. Confirmation cases are divided into 2:

a. Confirmatory cases with symptoms (symptomatic) b. Confirmation cases without symptoms (asymptomatic)

4. Close Contact

People who have a history of contact with probable cases or confirmed cases of COVID-19. The contact history in question includes:

a. Face-to-face contact with probable or confirmatory cases within a radius of 1 meter and within 15 minutes or more b. Direct physical touch with probable or confirmatory cases (such as shaking hands, holding hands, etc.) c. People who provide immediate care for probable or confirmatory cases without using standard-compliant PPE. Any other situation indicating contact based on a local risk assessment established by the local epidemiological investigation team (explanation as attached).

In probable cases or symptomatic confirmation (symptomatic), to find close contact the contact period is calculated from 2 days before the case develops symptoms and up to 14 days after the case develops symptoms.

In asymptomatic confirmed cases, to find close contact the contact period was calculated from 2 days before and 14 days after the date of specimen collection of the confirmed case.

5. The traveler

A person who has traveled from within the country (domestic) or abroad in the last 14 days.

6. Discarded

Discarded if it meets one of the following criteria:

a. A person with a suspect case status with negative RT-PCR examination results 2 times for 2 consecutive days with an interval of> 24 hours. A person with close contact status who has completed the 14 day quarantine period.

7. Finish the isolation

Complete isolation if it meets one of the following criteria:

a. Confirmatory cases without symptoms (asymptomatic) without follow-up RT-PCR examination plus 10 days of self-isolation from the time of specimen collection for the confirmation diagnosis. Probable cases / confirmed cases with symptoms (symptomatic) that did not undergo follow-up RT-PCR were counted 10 days from the onset date plus at least 3 days after showing no symptoms of fever and respiratory distress. A probable case / symptomatic confirmation case that received a negative RT-PCR follow-up examination was 1 times negative, plus at least 3 days after no longer showing symptoms of fever and respiratory distress.

Further provisions regarding the criteria for completion of isolation in probable / confirmatory cases can be found in the Chapter Clinical Management.

8. Death

COVID-19 deaths for surveillance purposes are confirmed / probable cases of COVID-19 that have died