COVID-19 Cases In Indonesia Are Declining And The State Is Being Called The Best in COVID-19 Handling, DPR: We Should Not Flatter Ourselves, We Must Stay Vigilant

JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the House of Representatives (DPR), Anas Thahir, asked the public to remain aware of the transmission of the COVID-19 virus and continue to support government policies to control it. Moreover, new variants of COVID-19 continue to emerge and can become a threat.

According to him, people should not be careless because the number of COVID-19 cases in the country has decreased. In fact, he said, John Hopkins University assessed Indonesia as one of the best in dealing with COVID-19 cases.

"Don't let that designation make us flatter ourselves. We must remain vigilant against the possible spread of COVID-19," said Anas, Tuesday, September 21.

According to him, the government must continue to be ready to prepare for various possibilities, including the issue of a third wave at the end of this year. He also asked the public to remain disciplined and willing to work together against the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Discipline towards health protocols must still be carried out because that is the best way to control COVID-19. Supporting government policies, one of which is discipline," said the PPP Party politician.

On the one hand, Anas believes that the government must respond to public criticism with corrective actions and evaluations in the governance of handling COVID-19. Because criticism is part of the balance of democracy.

"The government and the community must have the same intention and desire, which is to get out of the COVID-19 pandemic immediately, so the acceleration of vaccination must be encouraged by all parties so that the target for herd immunity is immediately achieved," said Anas.

It is known that Indonesia is considered one of the best in the world in handling COVID-19 cases based on data from one of the leading universities based in Maryland, John Hopkins University CSSE COVID-19 on September 12, 2021. The reason is that Indonesia is able to reduce COVID-19 cases by 58 percent in just two weeks.

Appreciation also came from the World Bank because Indonesia managed to achieve 100 million doses of vaccination on August 31. As of Monday, September 20, Indonesia has succeeded in administering the first dose of vaccination to 79.657.762 people, the second dose of vaccination to 45.224.650 people, and the third dose of 856.589 people.

This achievement is very important to increase our optimism and confidence as a nation that we can control the pandemic. Moreover, Indonesia has more challenges in handling COVID-19 considering its very large population and geographically consisting of tens of thousands of islands.

It is known, the Government has again extended the implementation of level 2-4 community activity restrictions (PPKM) in Java and Bali from October 21 to 4, 2021. This is because the COVID-19 situation in Java-Bali is starting to improve.

"In the direction given by the President in today's Limited Meeting, it was decided that by looking at the existing developments, the PPKM Level changes will be implemented for 2 weeks for Java-Bali," said Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, at a press conference on Monday, September 20.

Luhut said the achievement of daily cases nationally also showed improvement. Daily cases on Monday, September 20, were below 2.000 and active cases were under 60.000.

"For Java-Bali, daily cases fell by 98 percent from its peak on July 15," he said.

He also stated that President Joko Widodo or Jokowi asked the public to continue to be vigilant even though the COVID-19 case was under control.

"However, the President reminded us earlier, for all of us to be super vigilant in facing this, because it is not impossible that there will be the third wave," said Luhut.