Visitors To Coffee Shop In Koja Disperse When The 'Sunday Night' Patrol Comes

JAKARTA - Visitors to a coffee shop in the Koja area, North Jakarta dispersed when a 'Sunday night' patrol came on Saturday night.

They dispersed after finding out that the guests who came were joint patrol personnel from the Justice operation under the jurisdiction of the Koja Sector Police who enforced the level three regulations for the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in DKI Jakarta.

In the photo uploaded to the Polsek_Koja Instagram account as reported by Antara, Sunday, it appears that young men and women were scattering out of the coffee shop yard while pushing motorbikes.

The "guests" who came were 38 joint patrol personnel consisting of elements of the Police and local government officials, the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP).

The activity, which took place from nine o'clock in the evening, was held in order to limit the mobility of the community, and reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.

Supporting judicial operations, Metro Jaya Police also implements crowd-free nights starting at 22.00-24.00 western Indonesia time and 24.00-04.00 western Indonesia time in four areas, namely Kemang, Sudirman-Thamrin, Asia-Africa, and the SCBD area.

Director of Traffic Metro Jaya Police Kombes Pol Sambodo Purnomo Yogo said the first phase from 22.00 to 24.00 WIB applies selective filtering.

This means that vehicles that pass at 22.00-24.00 western Indonesia time, are still allowed. However, if a community or group is found that has the potential to cause a crowd, the group is intercepted and turned back.

Meanwhile, at 24.00-04.00 western Indonesia time, Metro Jaya Police applies strict filtering. Sambodo directly observed the Mobility Restriction activities during the Level three PPKM period from the Senayan Roundabout, South Jakarta at 00.00 western Indonesia time.