Launching The ASAP Application, National Police Chief: It's To Prevent Forest And Land Fires And Investigation Of Perpetrators

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo launched the ASAP Digital application (Digital Karhutla Control Analysis). Where the application can monitor and prevent forest and land fires (Karhutla).

"This application is to combine all the potential that exists in the ministries, in SOEs, which we then integrate into a single monitoring system in order to prevent and control forest fires more quickly", Sigit said to reporters, Wednesday, September 15.

The ASAP application, continued Sigit, is capable of providing up-to-date information. For example, images from CCTV cameras to hotspots.

So, if a hotspot is detected later, the closest members of the location will be immediately deployed. Then, put out the fire so it doesn't get bigger.

"With this application, we can see and find out faster in real-time whether the points are hotspots, whether they are fire spots so that we will immediately forward them to the closest members who can then move quickly to that point to extinguish the fire", said Sigit.

Not only as a preventive measure, but the application can also be used as a tool in the process of investigating and investigating forest and land fire cases. This is because the application can provide various information that can be used as evidence.

"With this application, we can also take further steps to carry out an investigation or investigation of the perpetrators caught by this application so that we can proceed further", said Sigit.