Mahfud MD Ensures TNI-Police Are Ready To Secure The G20 Presidency In The Country

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD, said the TNI-Police were ready to secure the G20 Presidency for the first time from December 1, 2021, to November 30, 2022.

This is important because the organization of this activity will determine the image and honor, as well as the reputation of the nation in the eyes of the international community.

"We have prepared the TNI-Police to secure the G20 presidency", Mahfud said in a press conference broadcast online, Tuesday, September 14 evening.

The former chairman of the Constitutional Court also emphasized that the TNI and Police will not tolerate any threats before and during the implementation of this activity to maintain the image and honor of the nation.

The procedures carried out in security will later refer to the standards that have been set and confirmation from the TNI Commander, National Police Chief, and the Head of the National Intelligence Agency (BIN).

"Because this concerns the dignity of the country, we will do it seriously and with full vigilance. In the field, we will continue to do it firmly but friendly", said Mahfud.

The community is expected to actively participate in the success of the G20 Presidency activities which will end with the implementation of the G20 Summit. "So that state guests and delegates can carry out their duties safely and comfortably", said Mahfud.

"Not only safe but also comfortable", he added.

Mahfud explained that several preparations are now being carried out, starting from logistics and infrastructure such as the preparation of event service standards, protocols, and venues for a series of Presidential events including the G20 Summit which is planned to be held in Bali.

He also ensured that this activity would be safe from the transmission of COVID-19. Moreover, a pandemic assessment will be carried out concerning the previous two months and the vaccination achievement in the G20 Presidency implementation area must reach 80 percent.

Not only that, an application system will be prepared for tracking and checking to control the spread of COVID-19 in the midst of the current pandemic.

Before closing his statement, Mahfud said his ministry would be in charge of implementation support by Presidential Decree No. 12 of 2021.

"This secretariat, among others, acts as a liaison and helps the national committee communicate with fellow members of the national committee and other parties to coordinate the implementation of the G20 Summit and side event programs with relevant ministries and institutions", he concluded.