Taqy Malik's Father Accused Of Having Anal Sex, Recognize The Risks According To The Obstetrician

JAKARTA - Netizens are being shocked by the news about Taqy Malik's father, Mansyardin Malik, who is accused of sexually deviating his wife, Marlina Oktoria.

Launching VOI, Tuesday, September 14, the marriage, which had only been carried out in a matter of months, was already problematic because Taqy Malik's father forced his wife to have sex while she was menstruating and also asked to be done anal.

Adapting the WebMD page, anal sex is a term used for any sexual activity that involves the anus and is categorized as the riskiest sexual activity. Why is that so?

According to Doctor Boyke, as reported by Insertlive, the anus disposes food waste that is not used by the body, so it is not appropriate if it is used as a place to insert intimate organs. Forcibly inserting a foreign object through the rectum without lubrication will cause the thin wall of the anus to be scratched so that the blood vessels around the anus rupture and make bleeding difficult to stop.

In addition, anal sex as Taqy Malik's father did can also increase the risk of transmitting STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) such as syphilis, gonorrhea, genital herpes, candida, and HIV/AIDS. Recipients of anal sex can experience bloody diarrhea and mucus, infection, ulcers, to inflammation around the anus and rectum. In fact, the most dangerous result of anal sex is the occurrence of anal cancer. If anal sex is done frequently, the muscles around the anus can become loose, which can cause a person to lose their ability to hold bowel movements.

If you don't want to accept the risks of anal sex, then try safe sex. If you want to prevent pregnancy, you can do calendar family planning or interrupted intercourse if you don't want to penetrate the vagina. Practice safe sex for the health of you and your partner.