Khofifah Claims COVID-19 In East Java Is Stable

SURABAYA - East Java Governor, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, claims the COVID-19 situation in East Java is starting to stabilize. The proof, many areas are now down from level 4 to 2 and even level 1.

"From 30 regencies/cities level 4, now it has dropped to 2 regencies/cities level 2. This makes East Java lower the assessment from level 4 to level 2, even East Java is the only province that has a district/city at level 1, namely Lamongan", said Khofifah, in Surabaya, Wednesday, September 8.

Meanwhile, there are only two areas in East Java entering level 4, namely Ponorogo Regency and Magetan Regency. While Level 3 recorded 19 regencies/cities, including Kab. Tulungagung, Trenggalek, Pacitan, Ngawi, Nganjuk, Mojokerto, Malang, Madiun, Lumajang, Probolinggo City, Mojokerto City, Malang City, Madiun City, Kediri City, Blitar City, Batu City, Kediri Regency, Jombang, and Blitar.

Then 16 regencies/cities entered level 2, including Kab. Tuban, Sumenep, Situbondo, Sidoarjo, Sampang, Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Pamekasan, Surabaya City, Pasuruan City, Gresik Regency, Bondowoso, Bojonegoro, Banyuwangi, and Bangkalan.

"Thank you for the solidarity of all parties, including the regent/mayor with the Forkopimda throughout East Java, health workers, and so on for synergizing with each other in preventing and controlling the spread of COVID-19", she said.

Khofifah explained, from the total existing level development, the assessment situation of the East Java Province also decreased. That is, from level 4 to level 2 the results of the assessment of the East Java COVID-19 situation as of August 1 and September 6, 2021.

"From 30 regencies/cities level 4, now it's down to 2 regencies/cities level 2. This makes East Java down assessment from level 4 to level 2", she said.

Not only that continued Khofifah, but various elements in handling COVID-19 have also improved. Namely, the trend of positive cases, the trend of hospitalization, the trend of death, the trend of the positivity rate, and the trend of BOR, all of which have decreased, and the trend of tracing has increased.

The trend of positive cases in East Java has decreased from 115.7 to 13.68 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants/week. The trend of hospitalization decreased from 36.82 to 9.58 cases per 100 thousand population/week, the trend of deaths decreased from 6.27 to 1.8 deaths per 100 thousand population/week.

Meanwhile, the downward trend is the positivity rate from 47.09 percent to 3.55 percent positivity rate/week, and BOR from 81.51 percent to 20.37 percent BOR/week. Meanwhile, the tracing trend has increased from 1.27 to 12.6 close contacts detected/case/week.

"The bed occupancy rate or BOR in East Java is also very far below the WHO standard, which is below 60 percent. As of September 7, ICU BOR is recorded at 28 percent, BOR isolation in hospitals is recorded at 16 percent, BOR isolation in Emergency Hospitals is recorded. 19 percent and the BOR (bed occupancy rate) in the isolation center of 14 percent", she said.

Khofifah asked all parties to maintain the achievements of the regional level zoning position assessment, as well as other elements. How not to be careless and remain disciplined in implementing health protocols.

"Again, I ask all parties and the public to remain disciplined in carrying out health protocols, following vaccinations, tracing, and testing, we also continue to improve", she said.