Reportedly Resigning From PAN, Haji Lulung Once Confessed 'Why Am I More Suited To PPP'

JAKARTA - The news of Abraham Lunggana aka Haji Lulung resigning from the Partai Amanat Nasional Party (PAN) was responded to by the Chairman of the Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP), Achmad Baidowi. The reason is, at the same time, Haji Lulung was also reported to have returned to the Kaaba Party.

"I've also heard that information. It's good that PPP is very open", Baidowi told VOI, Tuesday, September 7.

The secretary of the PPP faction in the House of Representatives admitted that Haji Lulung had once said that he was more suited to PPP than other parties.

"Personally, I've met, yes, I also had time to tell stories about his political experiences, in the past at PPP and in other parties, 'how come I'm more suited to PPP', just informally", he said.

However, the man who is familiarly called Awiek, explained that so far the PPP Central Board has not received a letter from him to return to being part of the party led by Suharso Manoarfa.

"Until now", said Awiek.

According to him, PPP is indeed the habitat of Haji Lulung. He is one of the administrators of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) at the regional level. In addition, he has held several positions at PPP, both at the branch and regional levels.

"Haji Lulung is not someone else, so he has also been at PPP in Regional Leadership Council (DPW), Branch Leadership Council (DPC), and is now a board member at Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama with me. And now he is more suitable to return to PPP, thank God, we are very open, Mr. Haji Lulung is indeed his habitat in PPP, isn't it? in other parties", explained Awiek.

Regarding Haji Lulung, who is reportedly the chairman of PPP Jakarta, Awiek explained that the appointment of the DKI Regional Leadership Council was based on a letter from the Central Board, where so far there has been no letter from the center.

"If later he was reassigned as Chairman of the Regional Leadership Council, it's normal to call it a reverse process. Haji Lulung as a citizen has the same political rights, if people want to return to PPP and want to grow PPP, we can't refuse, we will definitely accept it", he explained.

Previously, Haji Lulung confirmed that he had resigned from the PAN cadre. According to him, a letter of resignation from PAN has been sent. The reason for his return to PPP is because of pressure from the ulama in Jakarta.

"Not only scholars, but many PPP cadres also expect me to be able to lead PPP in Jakarta again", said Haji Lulung.