The 2020 State Budget Report Approved By The House Of Representatives, Sri Mulyani: Not An Ordinary Year, The State Budget Is Working Hard

JAKARTA - The Budget Agency of the Indonesian House of Representatives has decided to accept the accountability report on the realization of the government's State Budget for the 2020 fiscal year.

Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, said that the 2020 trip was not an ordinary and easy year.

“The state budget has worked extraordinarily hard in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The state budget experienced a drastic decline in revenue. On the other hand, state spending has actually increased to fulfill obligations in protecting the people, from health to economic aspects", she said during a working meeting at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Monday, September 6.

According to the Minister of Finance, several steps must be taken quickly, on target, the governance work, and continues to be evaluated strictly to always be effective and provide the best results for the community.

"One of the extraordinary steps that must be taken by the government is to issue Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2020 which was later stipulated as Law Number 2 of 2020 so that the handling of the pandemic and the national economic recovery can run quickly, effectively and efficiently", she said.

The Minister of Finance added that the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) provided an Unqualified Opinion on the 2020 Central Government Financial Statements. It was stated that this WTP opinion (Unqualified Opinion) was the fifth time the government had obtained the LKPP since 2016.

"We certainly hope that this WTP opinion can show a maximum effort in maintaining accountability and quality in the management of the State Budget, as well as being able to build public trust", she said.

To note, Banggar agreed on the realization of the State Budget of IDR 1,647.7 trillion or 96.9 percent of the ceiling of IDR 1,699, 9 trillion. Meanwhile, the realization of state spending is set at IDR 2,595.4 trillion or 94.7 percent of the State Budget which is IDR 2,739.1 trillion.

Meanwhile, the budget deficit, which was estimated at IDR 1,039.2 trillion, only reached IDR 947.6 trillion.

To cover the deficit, the realization of financing amounted to IDR 1,193.2 trillion or 114.8 percent of the 2020 State Budget of IDR 1,039.2 trillion. Meanwhile, the Remaining Budget Financing (SiLPA) amounted to IDR 245.6 trillion.