4 Bad Coffee Drinking Habits That Can Trigger Brain Damage

JAKARTA - Drinking coffee can be a healthy habit as well as bad for health. The effect of drinking coffee is different for everyone. There are stomachaches, dizziness, even weakness, there are also those who actually feel more excited and their mood improves.

Adapting to CNN Indonesia, Friday, September 3, the latest research published in Molecular Psychiatry found that good coffee drinking habits can improve concentration, motor control, and alertness. A review published in the Archives of Medical Science found moderate coffee drinking lowers the risk of neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

So that you can get the good benefits of drinking coffee, then try to avoid bad habits when drinking coffee that can actually damage brain function.

Drink coffee late at night

Most people like to drink coffee in the morning, but not a few also choose to drink coffee at night to stay awake. In fact, drinking coffee too late or close to bedtime can actually interfere with rest.

Caffeine which works as a stimulant will remain in the bloodstream several hours after consumption. Nina Riggins, director of the Headache and Traumatic Brain Injury Center at the University of California San Diego, says caffeine stays in the bloodstream for up to 5 hours. To be completely 'clean' can take up to 10 hours.

If your sleep is disturbed because of the wrong timing of drinking coffee, then the work of the brain can also be distracted. You will find it difficult to concentrate, study, and your level of alertness will decrease.

Drinking too much coffee

A study published in Nutritional Neuroscience found that drinking one to two cups of coffee a day has been shown to protect the brain. Conversely, if coffee is consumed more than 6 cups per day then the possibility of a smaller brain volume and can increase the risk of dementia by 53 percent.

Meanwhile, the FDA recommends that adults consume 400 milligrams of caffeine, the equivalent of 4 cups of brewed coffee.

Adding excess sugar

The current coffee trend with a sweeter coffee taste is very dangerous for the brain. A 2019 study found that excess sugar consumption in adults was associated with decreased cognitive function.

Excess sugar can also reduce the function of connectivity and diseases related to blood vessels. Therefore, try not to add more than 2 teaspoons of sugar to your cup of coffee.

Stop drinking coffee

Quitting coffee can also damage the brain. A person will experience severe headaches due to caffeine withdrawal. For that, if you want to stop consuming coffee, do it gradually. Do not suddenly because the body needs to adapt first.