Having The Same Fate As Twitter Fleets, LinkedIn Retires Its Stories Feature

JAKARTA - Just like Twitter, it turns out that LinkedIn's Stories feature also doesn't last long. Just last year it was launched, the company is now planning to remove it.

LinkedIn senior director Liz Li said LinkedIn's Stories feature will be discontinued at the end of September. Adopting the Snapchat style, the LinkedIn Stories feature was first launched in February 2020 and was in an internal testing phase.

The company said it was closing this feature because educated users on LinkedIn didn't want the videos they posted to just disappear. It seems that they want the uploaded video as their portfolio.

“In developing Stories, we assumed that people didn't want informal videos attached to their profiles, and that would reduce the barriers people felt from posting. As it turns out, users want to create videos that last a long time, that tell their professional stories in a more personal way and that showcase their personality and expertise", Li said, cited from The Verge, Thursday, September 2.

It's not the first time this kind of feature has been retired from social media apps. Like Twitter, for example, last July it also removed Fleets from its application. The platform with the blue bird logo admits that Fleets is less attractive to its users.

“We hope Fleets will help more people feel comfortable joining the conversation on Twitter. However, since we introduced Fleets to everyone, we haven't seen the increase in the number of new people joining the conversation with Fleets as we expected", said Ilya Brown, vice president of product at Twitter.

But it seems that the removal of the Stories feature will not apply to Instagram and Snapchat, as it is claimed they will not give up so easily anytime soon. Because, some time ago Instagram has added a new ability to its Stories feature, namely the Like button.