Already Entering School, IDI Bandar Lampung: Be Careful, The Pandemic Is Not Over

BANDAR LAMPUNG - The Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) Bandar Lampung reminded the local government not to get into the euphoria by rushing to hold face-to-face learning (PTM), due to the declining number of positive cases of COVID-19.

The head of IDI Bandar Lampung, Dr. Aditya M Biomed, said that there was an impression of euphoria because the number of positive cases had decreased, the positivity rate was also low and vaccination coverage was getting better.

"Be careful the COVID-19 pandemic is not over yet, don't let our guard down", he said in Bandarlampung, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, September 1.

However, he supports the limited PTM plan. Because the distance learning process (PJJ) or online learning, affects the mentality of children and parents.

He also asked the local government before implementing a limited PTM, they had to go through several stages. One of them is collaborating with health workers to provide counseling for students and teachers on the importance of health protocols and vaccinating.


In addition, he continued, the government needs to involve health workers in health facilities around schools to monitor and anticipate COVID-19 cases.

"Honestly, I am happy with this limited PTM plan, but on the other hand, we must not be careless. Learn face-to-face during a pandemic that we are afraid of falling victim to", he said.

Previously, the Mayor of Bandar Lampung, Eva Dwiana said, that he would implement PTM after the city was included in the category of Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) level 3 and would start a simulation of teaching and learning activities soon in three junior high schools (SMP).