If The Cost Of Formula E Is Transferred, You Can Build 44 Hospitals Or Distribute 7.4 Million Basic Necessities For 2 Months

JAKARTA - Member of the PDIP Party faction of the DKI Regional Representative Council (DPRD), Manuara Siahaan, considers the costs of organizing Formula E to be diverted to other programs that are more useful during the COVID-19 pandemic.

If implemented, PDIP Party estimates that Formula E will cost IDR 4.487 trillion. Manuara said that the amount of the budget could be used to distribute millions of basic necessities to people in need.

"We can allocate the simulation figures for 7.4 million basic necessities to poor families. We can supply it for two months", said Manuara at the DKI DPRD Building, Tuesday, August 31.

PDIP Party also calculates other potential assistance that can be used from the cost of implementing formula E. Manuara said, the money of IDR 4.487 trillion could be used to distribute scholarships from elementary to college level to 38 thousand students.

Or, continued Manuara, the cost of Formula E could be to distribute the stimulus for 3.7 million MSMEs with each assistance of IDR 1.2 million.

"The IDR 1.2 million can be used for cendol artisans who are no longer trading, we can help basic food traders who can't sell, women who trade vegetables we help with the initial capital", said Manuara.

Otherwise, the money for organizing Formula E could also be diverted to build 88 new schools or build 44 hospitals in Jakarta.

"This is the value if we convert it. If we reallocate Formula E, this is roughly the comparison. Therefore, we consistently fight for this public money so that it is allocated to people who are really affected by COVID-19", explained Manuara.

It is known that the PDIP and PSI factions have submitted an interpellation right proposal to Anies regarding Formula E. Interpellation is the right to ask DPRD about a program that must be answered by the Governor.

However, it doesn't stop there. The DPRD will still hold a plenary meeting to determine whether the interpellation can be held. In order for the interpellation to take place, the DPRD members present at the plenary meeting must meet a quorum of 50 percent + 1 or as many as 54 DPRD members.

Currently, there are only 33 DPRD members from two factions who have proposed the interpellation of Formula E. Therefore, PDIP and PSI will lobby DPRD members from other factions to participate in plenary meetings.