Tips For Introducing The Danger Of COVID-19 To Children From Dian Sastrowardoyo

JAKARTA - Children need to be introduced to the dangers of COVID-19 so they can take care of themselves and obey health protocols. Actress Dian Sastrowardoyo has her own way of telling her children about the dangers of the coronavirus, and how to apply a clean and healthy lifestyle to them.

"I teach the children that the current situation is not the same as before because of the coronavirus", said Dian on the sidelines of the online discussion "Healthy Indonesian Families are Strong", quoted from ANTARA, Tuesday, August 31.

According to Dian, teaching children about the dangers of the coronavirus is not easy, but that doesn't mean it's impossible.

Dian explained that children tend not to easily believe in things they cannot see, while the coronavirus is not something that can be seen by the naked eye.

"This is indeed a difficult concept because children can't see it, so sometimes I accompany them to see the news that there are many people out there who are less fortunate being infected with the coronavirus and if they are infected, the implications are many", said Dian.

The "Whispering Sand" star said he tried to explain the dangers of the coronavirus in simple language that children can easily understand.

"I teach the children the concept of 'just because we can't see the virus doesn't mean the virus doesn't exist'. So I continue to monitor, make sure they really wash their hands clean and even take a clean shower, especially after traveling or from outside the house", she said.

Family habits

Dian further said that she continues to emphasize a clean and healthy lifestyle to her children and continues to remind her husband to continue to apply health protocols.

To make this clean and healthy lifestyle a part of her family's habit, Dian sets an example by continuing to apply a clean and healthy lifestyle.

"So I apply to always take off my shoes and outerwear outside, then wash my hands, and then I can enter the house. That too, you have to take a clean shower and wash your hair, change into clean clothes, and then you can do activities at home", explained Dian.

According to Dian, a clean lifestyle such as washing hands, bathing and disinfection are very basic but very important things to do during a pandemic, in order to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

"I am sure that if this habit is carried out in a disciplined manner from the family, even one Indonesian will be able to fight this virus together, reducing the positive numbers and even the positive ones will also be able to recover quickly", concluded Dian.