The Vandalism Of Puan Maharani's Billboard With The Words "Open BO" In Batu City Is Being Questioned By The Police

MALANG - Two perpetrators of vandalism with Open BO (open booking) graffiti on the billboard of Puan Maharani in Batu City, East Java were investigated by the police.

This was revealed by the chairman of the Batu PDIP Branch Leadership Council, Punjul Santoso after visiting the Batu Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Monday, August 30. Pinjul said both were undergoing examination.

"Now they are still being examined by investigators and psychologists", he said at the Batu Police.

Punjul admitted that he was still waiting for coordination with the Batu Police regarding the legal process or to be forgiven. Because at this time the motive of the two is unknown.

"It will be explained in more detail later. Everything is still in the process of being investigated by the police", he said.

Punjul said the reporting was a reasonable step. According to him, it is for learning so that there will not be a similar incident in the future.

"So that no other figures will experience something like this", he said.

If there are criticisms or aspirations that you want to express, please do so in a good and right way", continued Punjul.

As previously reported, Puan Maharani's billboards were again the target of vandalism. There is an inscription open BO on Puan's billboard on Sultan Agung Street, Batu, East Java.

It appears that the bottom of the billboard was torn off. Then it is written "Open BO. Cox".

The crossed-out billboard was only discovered on Tuesday, August 24, 2021 morning. It is not yet known who carried out this vandalism. However, it was allegedly carried out on Monday, August 23 night.

The head of the Batu City PDIP Branch Leadership Council,  Punjul Santoso, asked the Civil Service Police Unit to dismantle the 3x5 meter billboard. He regretted this despicable act.

“This is a disgraceful attitude. I regret very much”, said Punjul Santoso.