The Crowd Of NTT Governor Viktor And A Number Of Officials Highlighted, Deputy Governor: I'm At The Event Since Morning

KUPANG - The East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Provincial Government has not yet commented on cases of alleged violations of the COVID-19 process by officials.

The event which was said to have violated the health protocol was attended by Governor Viktor Laiskodat and Deputy Governor Josef A Nae Soi on Semau Island, Kupang Regency, Friday, August 27.

The Deputy Governor of East Nusa Tenggara, Josef A Nae Soi, admitted that he was in South Amfoang District.

"I've been at a church event in South Amfoang since this morning," said Deputy Governor Josef A Nae Soi via text message reported by Antara, Sunday, August 29.

Josef A Nae Soi admitted that he could not receive calls because he was still in the church room.

"I'm still at church," said Josef A Nae Soi, adding.

Meanwhile, the Regional Secretary for the Province of East Nusa Tenggara, Benedict Polo Maing, who was contacted by Antara also did not respond even though the phone in question came in but was not picked up.