Turkey Withdraws, Taliban Ready To Take Over Kabul Airport And Asks Qatar For Help

JAKARTA - Taliban forces are already at Kabul airport and are ready to take full control earlier this week. The occupation came soon after US troops left, two senior Taliban figures said on Friday, August 27.

One senior commando said Taliban forces had taken control of most of the airport, "not just a small part of where Americans still reside."

Quoted from ANTARA, another senior official said the troops were ready to take over (the airport) in full. He added, "It's only a matter of time."

"Once Americans leave, they just have to give us a signal and we'll take over," he said.

The Taliban will ask Qatar for technical assistance in operating the Kabul airport, Qatar-based Al Jazeera reported on Friday, August 27, citing sources on the Taliban side.

The Taliban have also asked Turkey for technical assistance to run Kabul airport after a deadline expires next Tuesday, August 31, for all foreign military forces to withdraw from Afghanistan. The ultimatum to leave Afghanistan was also said by the Taliban to apply to Turkish troops.

Earlier on Friday, August 27, two officials told Reuters that Turkey would not help the Taliban run Kabul airport following the withdrawal of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) troops, unless the Taliban agreed to the presence of Turkish security forces.

The requirement was conveyed by Turkey after the deadly attack took place outside the airport. The incident highlights the dangers facing foreign troop missions to remain in Afghanistan.