5 Trivial Things That Have A Big Influence On Home Happiness
JAKARTA – Everyone, especially those of you who are in pairs, of course, needs to maintain harmonious relationships as the key to happiness. Establishing relationships with other people requires skills that can be considered trivial.
However, not everyone realizes that things that are often done and are considered normal have a big impact on the household life. Like the 5 points below that can build a more comfortable home atmosphere.
1. Be a good listener
Listening is a way of understanding each other, understanding each other, and a foundation for behavior. When the household has been intertwined for years until they grow old together, the ability to be a good listener is no longer a burden.
Often, before the sentence is finished, the answers to interrupting come out more quickly. Toni Coleman, a therapist and relationship expert, says that diverting the conversation can make a person feel that the topic or subject being discussed is considered unattractive by a partner.
2. Have time to talk with people other than your partner
Having social relationships is really fun. However, it is often not considered how much time is spent in relationships with other people compared to partners.
It's actually a small thing that has a big impact on a marital relationship. Boredom can turn into longing when you have time to talk with people other than your partner.
3. Understand each other
Making mistakes is inevitable for everyone. Mistakes made need to be acknowledged and corrected. Sometimes it is necessary to forgive and understand each other.
According to Coleman, someone who can apologize and take responsibility for his mistakes can make a murky situation calmer. This attitude makes the relationship with your partner stronger and not weathered by conflict.
4. Help each other
Caring and knowing each other what can be done can make a marital relationship happier. This behavior also emphasizes empathy for your partner.
5. Positive thoughts
There are times when the mind can be the scariest ghost. It can even give birth to a toxic relationship. That too can happen to positive thoughts. Always thinking positive is often considered naive. However, positive thinking in your partner actually becomes the basis of mutual trust.