President Director Of Jakpro, Organizing Formula E, Resigns

JAKARTA - President Director of PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro), Dwi Wahyu Daryoto, has reportedly resigned from his position. Dwi resigned when this BUMD DKI was planning to organize Formula E.

Dwi's resignation from the position of President Director of Jakpro was confirmed by the member of the PKS Faction of the DKI Regional House of Representatives, Abdul Aziz.

"I just received news that Pak Dwi, Director of Jakpro, has resigned. Earlier he said goodbye to the group", said Aziz when met at the DKI Regional House of Representatives building, Central Jakarta, Thursday, August 26.

Aziz said that Dwi's resignation from the position of President Director of Jakpro was based on the results of the general meeting of shareholders of PT Jakpro BUMD which was held today. However, Aziz does not know further about the name of the new Jakpro President Director replacement.

"Today, the President Director of Jakpro has been replaced but I don't know who it is and I don't know the reason", said Aziz.

Currently, PT Jakpro is undergoing several major programs planned by DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, such as Formula E, the construction of the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS), to the phase II LRT project.

Aziz hopes that the new Jakpro President Director will be able to carry out his duties well so that Jakpro can continue the DKI Provincial Government's programs.

"We hope that this replacement will be more capable, faster. If possible, internally as well, so it doesn't take long to adapt to complete the many programs that have accumulated in Jakpro", he said.

Dwi's resignation also coincided with the Formula E polemic. As of today, 33 members of the DKI DPRD have officially submitted the right of Interpellation for Formula E to question the plan to organize the electric car racing event.