The PDIP And PSI Parties Factions Of The DKI DPRD Officially Submit Anies' Interpellation Rights On Formula E

JAKARTA - As many as 33 members of the DKI Jakarta Regional Representative Council (DPRD) officially sent a letter of application for the right of interpellation to the Chairman of the DKI DPRD today. They consist of 25 members of the PDIP Party faction and 8 members of the PSI Party faction.

A number of members from the two factions entered the room of the Chairperson of the DKI DPRD, Prasetio Edi Marsudi, to submit a letter containing the signatures of the council members who proposed the interpellation.

"We from PDIP and PSI Parties today handed over our signature to grant an interpellation right to the governor", said a member of the PDIP Party faction of the DKI DPRD Rasyidi at the DKI DPRD Building, Central Jakarta, Thursday, August 26.

Rasyidi said that the right of interpellation regarding Formula E was carried out based on the findings of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). BPK considers that the implementation of Formula E has the potential to cause losses in the DKI Regional Budget.

"Based on the report on the results of the BPK examination, Formula E would not be profitable, but there is a potential loss. There is a potential loss, so this is what we want to ask the Governor", said Rasyidi.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the DKI DPRD admitted that he received a letter of application for the DPRD's interpellation rights regarding Formula E. "Here I accept. I think the rights of these members must be followed up, in the Deliberative Body and in the plenary meeting", said Prasetio.

In DKI Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2014 concerning the Regulations of the DKI DPRD, the right of interpellation is proposed to the leadership of the DPRD. The form of the right of interpellation this time was a plenary meeting with Anies to question the reason why Formula E was maintained.