A Herd Of Armed Robbers Raids A Gold Shop In Medan, Parking Attendants Become Victims

MEDAN - A group of armed robbers took action and robbed a gold shop at Simpang Limun Market, Medan. The police are still investigating this case.

An eye witness, Sri Kendari, said the incident occurred at around 2:50 p.m., Thursday, August 26. There were 4 perpetrators wearing hats and masks.

"Two people used firearms", she said.

Sri said there had been a gunshot. The herd then broke into Aulia Chan's gold shop and threatened the shopkeeper.

"There were about 5 kilograms of gold taken", said Sri, who is also a relative of the robbery victim.

The herd fled and reportedly shot a parking guard.

Until this news was revealed, the police were still investigating the crime scene. The scene of the incident has also been installed with a police line.